Best Student Paper Award at the 26th EuMW 2023
Joel Dittmer, PhD candidate at the IPQ, won the IMA e.V. sponsored Best Paper Award at the 26th European Microwave Conference in September 2023 in Berlin, Germany.
September 2023: In his paper “200 Gbit/s Wireless THz Transmission over 52m using Optoelectronic Signal Generation”, Joel Dittmer presented a record high data rate of 200 Gbit/s in a wireless transmission at a center frequency of 300 GHz over an indoor distance of 52m. He further investigated the performance differences of an intradyne and heterodyne THz receiver with electronically and optoelectronically generated local oscillator tone (LO). The concept exploits a 300 GHz LO generation by up-converting an electrical 16.66 GHz tone and down-converting optical continuous wave lasers by photomixing them in a broadband UTC photodiode.