IPQ presents the KIGLIS project in the BNN
October 2023: A big project demonstration on Friday, October 13, has concluded the KIGLIS project after 3 years of collaboration with the project partners from Nokia, Telemaxx, Atesio, VPIphotonics, the Research Center for Informatics (FZI) and other institutes at the KIT. The BNN was live on site and reported our accomplishments during the project.
In the KIGLIS project, we dealt with the fiber-optic infrastructure of future smart cities using the example of automated and connected driving. The project demonstration started with the remote operation of an autonomous driving shuttle, which came to a stop in front of an unexpected obstacle at the KIT Campus East. Via a wireless connection to WiFi access points, which in turn are connected to each other through a passive optical network, the car was then navigated around the obstacle by a remote operator. After that, further project results were demonstrated at the Telemaxx data center in Hagsfeld. These included how fiber optic expansion can be driven forward more efficiently using virtual reality. In a live transmission from the Telemaxx data center to the KIT Campus South and back again, the hardware of future 100 Gbit/s passive optical networks using artificial intelligence was demonstrated over a total fiber distance of about 24 km. Artificial intelligence was also applied by Nokia and the KIT in a joint setup to monitor and predict network failures.
Wie Karlsruher Forschung mit künstlicher Intelligenz den selbstfahrenden Shuttlebus fernsteuert