PICDA - Photonic Integrated Circuits: Design and Applications

Language: English

Contents and General Information

Course Overview  

Photonic integration has evolved into a key technology with transformative impact on a wide variety of applications, ranging from high-speed data transmission and ultra-broadband photonic-electronic signal processing to optical metrology, 3D-sensing and biophotonics and to further quantum optics and optical computing. However, successful exploitation of photonic integrated circuits (PIC) in these fields crucially relies on both a solid understanding of the underlying principles and technologies and on skillful and effective use of professional simulation and design tools. The idea behind our newly created course “Photonic Integrated Circuits: Design and Applications (PICDA)” is to bridge the gap between theoretical basics and high-impact applications by combining a lecture with a hands-on design laboratory. We will start from a short insight into the fundamentals of integrated optics and end with open design projects that will be solved in smaller teams using a professional design suite (Ansys Lumerical). The course (4 hours, 6 ECTS) has been organized as an inter-university collaboration with contributions from leading institutions in the field of integrated optics (KIT, RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin, Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics) and will also comprise a lecture on quantum optics and optical computing by a colleague from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Further details can be found in our information sheet and in the ILIAS portal. Please do not hesitate to contact us (picda∂ipq.kit.edu) in case of any questions.

Useful Links

Materials and online teaching platforms of the respective institutions - from which slides, lecture notes, problem sets, and other materials will be made available:

KIT: ILIAS, https://ilias.studium.kit.edu/
RWTH: RWTH Moodle, https://moodle.rwth-aachen.de
TUB: ISIS, https://isis.tu-berlin.de


  • Silicon photonics – technology overview 
  • Integrated optical waveguides and mode calculation
  • Signal propagation and mode expansion
  • Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique and scattering matrices
  • Selected passive devices
  • Modulators
  • Photodetectors
  • Optical amplifiers and lasers
  • Test and packaging
  • Optical communications
  • Optical sensing and metrology
  • Biophotonics

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PDF PICDA_General-Information_webpage.pdf 2024-06-07 14:03 201.89 KB