IPQ in the News 2013
Nature Photonics: Wireless sub-THz communication system with high data rate
October 13, 2013. The results of our latest wireless data transmission experiment have been published in the renowned journal Nature Photonics. We have demonstrated transmission of a record data rate of 100 Gbit/s over a distance of 20 m using a carrier frequency of 237.5 GHz. Our scheme combines the strengths of photonic signal processing techniques with latest sub-terahertz electronics. The experiment is a major step towards wireless communications at terabit/s data rates.
Press release: German , English
Original publication: Nature Photonics
Media response (download pdf with additional material, 2 MB):
AlphaGalileo Foundation, c|net, chip.de, Elektronik Praxis, engadget.com, eurasiareview.com, Geek.com, gigaom.com, golem.de, heise.de, Kurier.at, Macwelt, netzwoche.ch, PC Welt, PC World, PHYS.ORG, ScienceDaily, Springer for Professionals, SWR3, tgdaily.com, The Economic Times, USA News, ZDNet
- 'ADVA best student paper award' granted to Robert Palmer (IPQ, KIT)
Robert Palmer was awarded the best paper award at the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC'2013) at the ExCeL Center in London, UK. The meeting is one of the two major conferences in the field of optical communications and prides itself with a rejection ratio of 50% and an oral acceptance rate of 30%. Robert Palmer and coworkers not only made it into the oral session but were also awarded the 1st price in a fierce competition among roughly 300 PhD submissions. In addition the work was given credit by the conference committee by granting an upgrade to an invited paper. The work is entitled "High-Speed Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator with 1.6 fJ/bit and 180 pm/V In-Device Nonlinearity" and is a result of a collaboration between KIT, university of Washington (USA), and IMEC (Belgium).
- Tyngye Li memorial poster award, 2nd prize goes to Aleksandar Nesic (IPQ, KIT)
Aleksandar Nesic has been awarded the second prize at the poster competition at the International Nano-Optoelectronic Workshop iNOW-2013. iNOW is an annual summer school that this year took place in Cargèse, France. The work aims at highly efficient silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) phase shifters for reconfigurable photonic-electronic signal processors and was carried out jointly by Luca Alloatti, Jörg Pfeifle, and Aleksandar Nesic.
- Corning Best Student Paper Award granted to Robert Palmer.
Robert Palmer was awarded the best paper award at the Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC'2013) at the Anaheim Convention Center in California.
The paper was selected among 400 submissions. The OFC ist the most prestigeous conference in the field and having a paper presentation at OFC is an honor by itself. Having the best paper is a true achievement.