Publications in 1995



'Rayleigh-Sommerfeld and Helmholtz-Kirchhoff integrals: Application to the scalar and vectorial theory of wave propagation and diffraction';
Freude W.; Grau G. K.;
J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 13, pp. 24-32; 1995

'Continuous-Wave Mode-locked Solid-State Lasers with Enhanced Spatial Hole Burning, Part I: Experiments';
Braun B.; Weingarten K. J.; Kärtner F. X.; Keller U.;
Applied Physics B, vol. 61, pp. 429-437; 1995

'Experimental Verification of Soliton Mode Locking Using only a Slow Saturable Absorber';
Jung I. D.; Kärtner F. X.; Keller U.;
Optics Letters, vol. 20, pp. 1892-1894; 1995

'Diode-Pumped Mode-locked Nd:glass Lasers with an Antiresonant Fabry-Perot Saturable Absorber';
Kopf D.; Kärtner F. X.; Weingarten K. J.; Kamp M.; Keller U.;
Optics Letters, vol. 20, pp. 1169-1171; 1995

'Control of Solid-State Laser Dynamics by Semiconductor Devices';
Kärtner F. X.; Brovelli L. R.; Kopf D.; Kamp M.; Calasso I.; Keller U.;
Optical Engineering, vol. 34, pp. 2024-2036; 1995

'Solitary Pulse Stabilization and Shortening in Actively Mode-Locked Lasers';
Kärtner F. X.; Kopf D.; Keller U.;
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 12, pp. 426-438; 1995

'Optische Solitonen, Grundlagen und Anwendungen';
Kärtner F. X.;
Physik in unserer Zeit, vol. 26, pp. 152-161; 1995 (eingeladen)

'Self-Starting Soliton Mode-Locked Ti:Sapphire Laser Using a ThinSemiconductor Saturable Absorber';
Brovelli L. R.; Jung I. D.; Kopf D.; Kamp M.; Moser M.; Kärtner F. X.; Keller U.;
Electronics Letters, vol. 31, pp. 287-288; 1995

'Stabilization of Solitonlike Pulses with a Slow Saturable Absorber';
Kärtner F. X.; Keller U.;
Optics Letters, vol. 20, pp. 16-18; 1995

'Measurement of the Raman Gain Spectrum of Optical Fibers';
Dougherty D.; Kärtner F. X.; Haus H. A.; Ippen E. P.;
Optics Letters, vol. 20, pp. 31-33; 1995

'Theoretical investigation of the gain profile of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers';
Zech H.;
Opt. Fiber Technol., vol. 1, pp. 327-330; 1995

'Measurement technique for the quotient of cross-sections sigma_e(lambda_s) / sigma_a(lambda_s) of erbium-doped fibres';
Zech H.;
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 7, pp. 986-988; 1995

'Measurement technique for pump and signal background absorption of erbium-doped fibres';
Zech H.;
Electron. Lett., vol. 31, pp. 1866-1867; 1995

'Gain profiles of erbium-doped fibre amplifiers: comparison between theory and experime';
Zech H.;
Electron. Lett., vol. 31, pp. 2101-2102; 1995


'Bestimmung der Emissionskonstante von Er3+-dotierten Fasern aus der quer zur Faser abgestrahlten spontanen Emission';
Zech H.;
Kleinheubacher Ber. 38, pp. 475-482; 1995