Publications in 2003



'Oblique propagation of electromagnetic and elastic waves for an array of cylindrical fibres';
Guenneau S.; Poulton C. G.; Movchan A. B.;
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, vol. 459, no. 2037, pp. 2215-2263; September 2003

'All-optical Synchronization and Mode-locking of Solid-State-Lasers With Nonlinear Semiconductor Fabry-Perot-Mirrors';
Seitz W.; Ell R.; Morgner U.; Kärtner F. X.; 
IEEE J.  Sel.  Topics Quantum Electron., Special Issue on Stabilization of  Modelocked Lasers, vol.9, no. 4, pp. 1093-1101; Juli/August 2003

'Carrier-envelope phase dynamics of synchronized mode-locked lasers';
Ell R.; Seitz W.; Morgner U.; Schibli T. R.; Kärtner F. X.;
Optics Communications, vol. 220, no. 1, pp. 211-214; May 2003



'Modelling and design of nanophotonic devices';
Freude W.; Brosi J.-M.; Chakam G.-A.; Glöckler F.; Koos C.; Poulton C.; Wang J.;
URSI ?Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Germany; September/October 2003 (invited)

'Modelling, design and realisation of SOI-based nanophotonic devices';
Poulton C.; Brosi J.; Glöckler F.; Koos C.; Wang J.; Freude W.; Ilin K.; Siegel M.; Fujii M.;
Conference on Functional Nanostructures 2003 (CFN03), Karlsruhe, Germany; September/October 2003

'High gain conductor-backed and coplanar-fed patch antenna with periodic structures';
Chakam G.-A.; Freude W.;
Proceedings Intern. ITG Conference on Antennas (INICA 2003), Berlin, Germany, pp. 65-68; September 2003

 'Noise and Distortion Monitoring in an SOA-based Optical 2R Regenerator';
Kilper D. C.; Vorreau P.; Leuthold J.;
ECOC 2003 proceedings, We4.P.132, Rimini, Italy, September 2003

'Microstrip Line Fed Patch Antenna With Liquid Crystal Phase Shifter For Optically Generated RF-Signals';
Yilmaz H.; Chakam G.-A.; Breuel A.; Berroth M.; Freude W.;
Technical Digest Intern. Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP'03), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 359-62; September 2003

'Wavelet-collocation finite-difference analysis of 3D optical ring resonator'; 
Fujii M.; Freude W.; Russer P.;
Technical Digest Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2003), Laser 2003 World of Photonics,
International Congress Centre Munich, Germany; Juni 2003. Topic: CJ-Optical Technologies for Communication, Switching and Interconnects. Session: Filters and Gratings

'Efficient high-spatial-order FDTD analysis of 3D optical ring resonator filters';
Fujii M.; Freude W.; Russer P.;
19th Annual Symposium of the  Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society (ACES'03), Monterey (CA), USA; March 2003, Time Domain Numerical Modeling Beyond FDTD, Session 2

'Fast wavelet collocation method for WDM system parameter optimization';
Kremp T.; Freude W.;
Technical Digest Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'03), Atlanta (GA), USA, vol. 1, Paper MF1, p. 1; March 2003

'Messung der Träger-Einh¨¹llenden-Dynamik zweier passiv synchronisierter Laser';
Ell R.; Seitz W.; Morgner U.; Kärtner F. X.;
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, pp. Q 36.7; 2003

'Optische aktive Modenkopplung von Festkörperlasern';
Seitz W., Ell R.; Killi A. W.; Morgner U.; Kärtner F. X.;
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, pp. Q 6.3; 2003

'Diodengepumpter Cr(3+):LiCAF-Femtosekunden-Laser mit 143 nm Bandbreit';
Wagenblast P.; Morgner U.; Grawert F.; Kärtner F. X.;
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, pp. Q 6.2; 2003

'All-optical Active Mode-Locking of a ps-Nd:YVO4 -laser';
Seitz W.; Ell R.; Morgner U.; Schibli T. R.; Kärtner F. X.; Lederer M. J.;
Advanced Solid State Photonics Conference (ASSP), San Antonio, USA, Paper TuA5; 2003

'Broadband laser light sources for commercial and biomedical applications';
Morgner U.; Wagenblast P.; Ell R.; Seitz W.; Ippen E. P.; Fujimoto J. G.; Kärtner F. X.;
Session LA11, Photonic West / Lasers and Applications in Science and Engineering (LASE), San Jose, California; 2003 (invited)

Workshops and Symposia organized by our Institute


'Integriert-optische Filter-Bauelemente';
Freude W.; Rabus D.; Berroth M.;
Trends in der Zukunftstechnologie „Optische Kommunikation? Forum Photonics BW, Stuttgart, Germany; 11.11.2003 (invited)

'Photonic crystals. An introduction';
Freude W.;
Lecture at First European NEFERTITI Winter School in Winterberg, Germany; January  2003;
supported by the European Commission Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) within the framework of the European Network of Excellence on Broadband Fiber-Radio Techniques and its Integration Technologies (NEFERTITI), and the OptechNet e.V. The full text of this lecture is available.

PhD Theses


'Synchronisation und aktive Modenkopplung von Festkörperlasern durch nichtlineare Fabry-Perot-Resonatoren';
Seitz W.; 
Karlsruhe, Germany; July 2003

'Sub-Two Cycle Ti:Sapphire Laser and Phase Sensitive Nonlinear Optics';
Ell R.;
Karlsruhe, Germany; May 2003

'Periodische Strukturen im Mikrowellenbereich für planare Antennen und zur Modellierung integriert-optischer Komponenten';
Chakam G.-A.;
(Periodic structures in the microwave region for planar antennas, and for modelling integrated-optical components).
Karlsruhe, Germany; February 2003