Publikationen in 2005
'Optische Nachrichtentechnik. Eine Einführung (Optical Communications)'
Grau G. und Freude W.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1991 (Since 1997 out of print; corrected University reprint available 1998, 1999, 2005. Send e-mail to W. Freude)
'Low Switching Threshold Using Nonlinearities in Stopband-Tapered Waveguide Bragg Gratings'
Maitra A., Poulton C. G., Wang J., Leuthold J., Freude W.;
IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 41, No. 10, pp. 1303-1308; October 2005
'Scattering from sidewall deformations in photonic crystals'
Poulton C. G., Müller M., Freude W.;
J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 22, pp. 1211-1220, June 2005
'Gain Saturation Spectrum of Backward-Pumped Broad-Band Raman Amplifiers'
Vorreau P., Kilper D. C., White C. A.;
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 17, pp. 1405-1407, July 2005
'Fast Split-step Wavelet Collocation Method for WDM System Parameter Optimization'
Kremp T., Freude W.;
IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 1491-1502, March 2005
'Optimization of Nonlinear Dispersive APML ABC for the FDTD Analysis of Optical Solitons'
Fujii M., Omaki N., Tahara M., Sakagami I., Poulton C., Freude W., Russer P.;
IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 448-454, March 2005
'Optical noise and dispersion monitoring with SOA-based optical 2R regenerator'
Vorreau P., Kilper D., Leuthold J.;
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 17, pp. 244-246, January 2005
'Transparent networks and the role of SOA based all-optical wavelength converters and signal regenerators'
Leuthold J., Freude W., Boettger G., Vorreau P., Marculescu A., Wang J.;
Proc. SPIE Asia-Pacific Optical Communications (APOC'2005), Shanghai, China, paper 6021-95, November 2005 [invited]
'Trends in the Field of All-Optical Wavelength Conversion and Regeneration'
Leuthold J., Freude W., Boettger G., Wang J., Vorreau P., Marculescu A.;
Workshop on Optical Transmission and Equalization (WOTE'2005), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China; paper C4, November 11, 2005 [invited]
'Monitoring and protecting the optical layer in FTTH networks'
Pfeiffer Th., Hehmann J., Schmuck H., Freude W., Vandewege J., Yanagisawa H.;
Proceedings of the FTTH Conference & Expo, Las Vegas (NV), USA, October 3–6, 2005
'Isolators and switches based on a nonlinear Bragg grating'
Maitra, A., Wang J., Hügel O., Poulton C. G., Leuthold J., Freude W.;
European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), COST P11 Workshop and WG Meeting, Twente, October 2–4, 2005
'Roughness in high index-contrast waveguides'
Poulton C., Koos C., Fujii M., Pfrang A., Schimmel Th., Leuthold J., Freude W.;
European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), COST P11 Workshop and WG Meeting, Twente, October 2–4, 2005
'Fibre Bragg gratings for sensing temperature and atress in superconducting coils'
Ramalimgam R., Nyilas A., Süßer F., Weiss K., Freude W., Gunther K., Narayankhedkar P.;
19th Intern. Conf. on Magnet Technology, Genova, September 18–23, 2005
'Trends in the Field of All-Optical Wavelength Conversion and Regeneration for Communication up to 160 Gb/s'
Leuthold J., Freude W., Boettger G., Wang J., Vorreau P., Marculescu A.;
Proc. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC'2005), Glasgow, Scottland, Tu3.3.6, September 2005 [invited]
'All-optical flip-flop based on an active stopband-tapered DFB structure'
Maitra A., Wang J., Hügel O., Poulton C., Leuthold J., Freude W.;
Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications (OAA'05), Budapest, Hungary, August 2005
'Nano-optical waveguide devices with random deformations and nonlinearities'
Freude W., Poulton C., Koos C., Brosi J., Fujii M., Müller M., Leuthold J., Pfrang A., Schimmel Th.;
3rd Intern. Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT'05), Symposium F: Nano-Optics and Microsystems, Singapore, Paper F-2-IN3, July 3–8, 2005 [invited]
'Network Applications and Metrics for Optica Performance Monitoring'
Kilper D. C., Weingartner W., Xie C., Azarov A., Vorreau P., Leuthold J.;
OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC2005), Seoul, Korea, July 2005
'Optical Performance Monitoring Applications in Transparent Networks'
Kilper D. C., Giles C. R., Weingartner W., Azarov A., Vorreau P., Leuthold J.;
Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC 2005), Newark, USA, April 2005
'Microwave modelling of disorder in photonic crystal slab waveguides'
Brosi J., Poulton C., Freude W.;
Spring Meeting, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG Quantum Optics Section, Berlin, Germany, March 2005
Workshops and Symposia organized by our Institute
'Trends in the Field of All-Optical Wavelength Conversion and Regeneration'
Leuthold J., Freude W., Boettger G., Wang J., Vorreau P., Marculescu A.;
Workshop on Optical Transmission and Equalization (WOTE'2005), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, paper C,; November 11, 2005
'Isolators and'switches based on a nonlinear Bragg grating'
Maitra, A., Wang J., Hügel O., Poulton C. G., Leuthold J., Freude W.;
European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), COST P11 Workshop and WG Meeting, Twente October 2–4, 2005
'Symposium on All-Optical Signal-Processing'
Symposium Organizers: Leuthold J., Mork J.;
Hotel Inter-Continental Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, August 7-10, 2005
'All-Optical Wavelength Conversion and Signal Processing for Next Generation Networks'
Workshop Organizers: Leuthold J., Sartorius B., Bintjas C.;
OFC'2005 workshop on Proc. OFC'2005, Session OSuE, March 6, 2005