EU Project - ERMES
ERMES is a project funded within the 7th Framework Program (FP7) of the EU. The goal of ERMES is to design and construct a cost-effective, easily-deployable 10 Gbit/s transmitter for use within a wavelength division multiplexed passive optical network (WDM – PON). ERMES encompasses state-of-the-art photonic device design and fabrication combined with rigorous laboratory and in-field demonstrations. The collaborators consist of academic and commercial partners: KIT, Politechnico di Milano, III-V Labs, Alcatel Lucent (Italy) and France Telecom. Throughout the project the devices will be tested in a real network demonstrator provided by France Telecom.
Duration of Project: Sept. 01, 2011 - Aug. 31, 2014
Grant: Grant Agreement Number 288542