Monolithisch-integrierbare Silizium-basierte photonische Bauelemente für Telekommunikations-Applikationen
The aim of the MISTRAL-project is to develop new active photonic devices which are based on CMOS-compatible SOI-Technology. The ability to integrate SOI-concepts will be demonstrated with an optical transceiver module which can be used for data communication within the C-Band and the O-Band. These devices should show the advantages of the increasing optical integration and satisfy the requirements of miniaturization, performance, functionality and low coasts. The focus of the IPQ together with the IMT is on exploring a new integration technology based on LIGA as well as on exploring new modulator device technologies.
Duration: Aug. 01, 2009 - July 31, 2012
Grant: Förderkennzeichen 01BL0804