
  • Funding:


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BMWi gefördertes FuE-Vorhaben Polina


The aim of the Polina project is to fabricate integrated optical waveguides on the base of new photo re active epoxy-polymers. Polymer waveguides seam to be well suitable for the realization of optical receiver components that are needed in 100 Gigabit Ethernet, since they fulfil several important requirements: Firstly the materials allow an almost lossless and tolerant coupling to a SMF. Secondly the materials are cheap and simple to produce and last the so fabricated waveguides should all ow a thermal control of the optical phase respectively the relative refractive index in an interferometer structure.

Duration: Jan. 01, 2010 - Dec. 31, 2012
Grant: Förderkennzeichen KF2310301MF9