Dr. Daniel Drayß
- Room: 1.21
- Phone: +49 721 608-42496
- daniel drayss ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Engesserstr. 5
76131 Karlsruhe
Curriculum Vitae - Daniel Drayß
Position: Research Assistant
With this Institute since: 07/2020
Degrees: M.Sc. Electrical Engineering
Graduation: 2020, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Present Research Interests:
Photonic assisted analog to digital conversion
PhD Theses
Drayß, D. (2024, December 16). Broadband Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generation and Measurement Using Optical Frequency Combs. PhD dissertation. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000177053
Journal Articles
Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Füllner, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C. (2024). Non-sliced Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) Using a Silicon Photonic Receiver Chip. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 42 (14), 4733–4750. doi:10.1109/JLT.2024.3378994
Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Füllner, C.; Lihachev, G.; Henauer, T.; Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Randel, S.; Koos, C. (2023). Non-sliced optical arbitrary waveform measurement (OAWM) using soliton microcombs. Optica, 10 (7), 888–896. doi:10.1364/OPTICA.484200
Fang, D.; Zazzi, A.; Mueller, J.; Drayss, D.; Fullner, C.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Tabatabaei Mashayekh, A.; Dipta Das, A.; Weizel, M.; Gudyriev, S.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Scheytt, J.; Witzens, J.; Koos, C. (2022). Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement Using Silicon Photonic Slicing Filters. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40 (6). doi:10.1109/JLT.2021.3130764
Conference Papers
Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Quint, A.; Valenziano, L.; Lauermann, M.; Lihachev, G.; Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Randel, S.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C. (2024). Integrated Non-sliced OAWM Engine Enabling 320 GHz Photonic-Electronic Analog-to-Digital Conversion. 2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 1–3, IEEEXplore.
Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Chen, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Peng, H.; Lihachev, G.; Quint, A.; Valenziano, L.; Randel, S.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C. (2024). Spectrally Sliced Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) Using a Photonic Multi-Chip Receiver Assembly. 2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 1–3, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Fang, D.; Peng, H.; Drayss, D.; Chen, Y.; Füllner, C.; Sherifaj, A.; Lihachev, G.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C. (2023). Optical arbitrary waveform generation (OAWG) based on RF injection-locked Kerr soliton combs. 49th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2023), Glasgow, 1st-5th October 2024, 1047–1050, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2023.2431
Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Sherifaj, A.; Peng, H.; Füllner, C.; Henauer, T.; Lihachev, G.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Kippenberg, T.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C. (2023). Optical arbitrary waveform generation and measurement (OAWG/OAWM) enabling 320 GBd 32QAM transmission. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2023).
Fullner, C.; Sherifaj, A.; Henauer, T.; Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S. (2022). 160-GBd Photonic-Electronic PAM Transmitter Based on IQ Multiplexing. 2022 27th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC): 3–6 July 2022, Toyama, Japan, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/OECC/PSC53152.2022.9850186
Füllner, C.; Sherifaj, A.; Henauer, T.; Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Harter, T.; Gutema, T. Z.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C. (2022). Photonic-Eletronic Arbitrary Waveform Generation up to 100 GHz Using Active Phase Stabilization. 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) : proceedings : San Jose, California, May 15-20, 2022, STh5M.3, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1364/CLEO_SI.2022.STh5M.3
Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Füllner, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.; Kuzmin, A. (2022). Slice-Less Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) on a Silicon Photonic Chip. The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 18th − 22nd September 2022, Basel, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Füllner, C.; Likhachev, G.; Henauer, T.; Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Randel, S.; Koos, C. (2022). Slice-Less Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) in a Bandwidth of More Than 600 GHz. Proceedings Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2022, 6–10 March 2022, San Diego, California, United States, Art.-Nr.: M2I.1, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/OFC.2022.M2I.1
Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Lihachev, G.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Peng, H.; Fullner, C.; Kuzmin, A.; Liu, J.; Wang, R.; Snigirev, V.; Lukashchuk, A.; Zhang, M.; Kharel, P.; Witzens, J.; Scheytt, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C. (2021). 320 GHz Analog-to-Digital Converter Exploiting Kerr Soliton Combs and Photonic-Electronic Spectral Stitching. 2021 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9606090
Fang, D.; Zazzi, A.; Mueller, J.; Drayss, D.; Fuellner, C.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Mashayekh, A. T.; Das, A. D.; Weizel, M.; Gudyriev, S.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Scheytt, J. C.; Witzens, J.; Koos, C. (2021). Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) on the Silicon Photonic Platform. Optical Fiber Communication Conference, in Proceedings Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2021: 6–11 June 2021, Washington, DC, United States, Art.-Nr.: F2E.G, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/OFC.2021.F2E.6
Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Füllner, C.; Lihachev, G.; Henauer, T.; Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Randel, S.; Koos, C. (2023). Slice-Less Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) in a Bandwidth of More than 600 GHz Using Soliton Microcombs. arxiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.17964
Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Quint, A.; Valenziano, L.; Lauermann, M.; Lihachev, G.; Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Randel, S.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C. (2024, March 27). Integrated Non-sliced OAWM Engine Enabling 320 GHz Photonic-Electronic Analog-to-Digital Conversion. Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC 2024), San Diego, CA, USA, March 24–28, 2024.
Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Chen, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Peng, H.; Lihachev, G.; Quinte, A.; Valenziano, L.; Randel, S.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C. (2024, March 26). Spectrally Sliced Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) Using a Photonic Multi-Chip Receiver Assembly. Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC 2024), San Diego, CA, USA, March 24–28, 2024.