Publications of 2015
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Conference Contributions (2)
- Hartmann, W.; Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Zwickel, H.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Luo, J.; Jen, A. K. -Y.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
100 Gbit/s OOK Using a Silicon - Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator
41th European Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC'15), Valencia, Spain, Sept. 27 – Oct. 1 , paper PDP.1.4. (2015) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Pfeifle, J.; Shkarban, I.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Weimann, C.; Hartmann, W.; Chimot, N.; Joshi, S.; Merghem, K.; Martinez, A.; Weber, M.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Coherent terabit communications using a quantum-dash mode-locked laser and self-homodyne detection
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'15), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 22 – 26 March , paper W2A.19. (2015) [DOI]