Publications of type Inproceedings
List publications according to yearAll | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | List publications according to typeAll | Journal Articles | Books | Conference Contributions | Lectures |
Conference Contributions (38)
- Singer, S.; Trocha, P.; Zwickel, H.; Kieninger, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Kaschel, M.; Menzel, C.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Nonlinear Loss and Damage Threshold in Silicon Photonic Waveguides: Modelling and Experimental Verification
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San José, U.S.A., May 15-20 , Paper SF3O.4 (2022) [DOI] - Adib, M. M. H.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Kemal, J. N.; Fuellner, C.; Mahmud, M. S.; Ramdane, A.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
Coherent TWDM-PON Downstream Architecture Based on a Chip-Scale QD-MLLD
Advanced Photonics Congress (Networks), Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, USA, July 13-16 , paper NeM4B.3 (2020) [DOI] more - Mahmud, M. S.; Kemal, J. N.; Adib, M. M. H.; Fuellner, C.; Schindler, A.; Runge, P.; Schell, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Optic-Electronic-Optic Interferometer: A First Experimental Demonstration
Confference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Washington, DC (D.C.), USA, May 10–15 , paper SF1L.1 (2020) more - Kieninger, C.; Fuellner, C.; Zwickel, H.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Eschenbaum, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
SOH Mach-Zehnder Modulators for 100 GBd PAM4 Signaling With Sub-1 dB Phase-Shifter Loss
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'20), San Diego (CA), USA, March 08–12 , paper Th3C.3 (2020) more - Harter, T.; Fuellner, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Ummethala, S.; Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, J.-M.; Hesler, J. L.; Bruendermann, E.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Generalized Kramers-Kronig Receiver for 16QAM Wireless THz Transmission at 110 Gbit/s
45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-26 , paper Th.2.C.4 (2019) [DOI] more - Adib, M. M. H.; Mahmud, M. S.; Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Fuellner, C.; Ramdane, A.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
24 GBd DP-QPSK Upstream and Downstream Operation of a Colourless Coherent PON Using an MLLD-Based Frequency Comb
45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-26 , paper M.1.F.2 (2019) [DOI] more - Freude, W.; Harter, T.; Ummethala, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Blaicher, M.; Wolf, S.; Weber, M.; Boes, F.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Nellen, S.; Hahn, L.; Globisch, B.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Wireless Terahertz Communications
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), pp. 1-1 , paper 8873098 (2019) [DOI] - Ummethala, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Lauermann, M.; Alam, A. S.; Zwickel, H.; Harter, T.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Hahn, L.; Nandam, S. H.; Elder, D. L.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Capacitively Coupled Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulator for 200 Gbit/s PAM-4 Signaling
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose (CA), USA, May 5–10 , paper JTh5B.2 Optical Society of America (2019) [DOI] more - Adib, M. M. H.; Kemal, J. N.; Fuellner, C.; Mahmud, M. S.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
Colorless Coherent Passive Optical Network Using a Frequency Comb Local Oscillator
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 03.–07. , paper Th3F.4 (2019) more - Freude, W.; Harter, T.; Ummethala, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Blaicher, M.; Wolf, S.; Weber, M.; Boes, F.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Nellen, S.; Hahn, L.; Goebel, T.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Terahertz communications meets photonics
14th Intern. Conf. on Fiber Optics & Photonics (Photonics'18), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), Delhi, India, December 12–15 (2018) (invited) - Hoose, T.; Blaicher, M.; Kemal, J. N.; Zwickel, H.; Billah, M. R.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hofmann, A.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Hardwired Configurable Photonic Integrated Circuits Enabled by 3D Nanoprinting
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'18), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , paper Mo4H.3 (2018) [DOI] (invited) - Ummethala, S.; Harter, T.; Koehnle, K.; Li, Z.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Schaefer, J.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Kumar Garlapati, S.; Bacher, A.; Hahn, L.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Wireless Transmission at 0.3 THz Using Direct THz-to-Optical Conversion at the Receiver
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'18), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , paper We4H.3 (2018) [DOI] (invited) - Harter, T.; Fuellner, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Ummethala, S.; Brosi, J.-M.; Bruendermann, E.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
110-m THz Wireless Transmission at 100 Gbit/s Using a Kramers-Kronig Schottky Barrier Diode Receiver
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'18), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , paper Th3F.7 (2018) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Billah, M. R.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hoose, T.; Xu, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Nesic, A.; Hofmann, A.
Photonic Wire Bonding and 3D Nanoprinting in Photonic Integration – from Lab Demonstrations to Production
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'18), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , paper 8535426 (2018) [DOI] (invited) - Ummethala, S.; Harter, T.; Koehnle, K.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Schaefer, J.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Kumar Garlapati, S.; Bacher, A.; Hahn, L.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Terahertz-to-Optical Conversion Using a Plasmonic Modulator
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'18), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 , paper STu3D.4 (2018) [DOI] more - Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Zwickel, H.; Miura, H.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Yokoyama, S.; Koos, C.
Demonstration of Long-Term Thermal Stability of a Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator at 85°C
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'18), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 , paper SM3B.3 (2018) [DOI] more - Ummethala, S.; Harter, T.; Kohnle, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Schaefer, J.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Garlapati, S. K.; Bacher, A.; Hahn, L.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Terahertz-to-Optical Conversion Using a Plasmonic Modulator
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optica Publishing Group, 2018) , paper STu3D.4 (2018) [DOI] - Zwickel, H.; Kemal, J. N.; Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Rittershofer, J.; Pajkovic, R.; Lindt, D.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Electrically Packaged Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulator for Communication and Microwave Photonic Applications
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Opt. Express), online, San Jose, USA, May 13–18 , paper SM3B.1 (2018) [DOI] - Zwickel, H.; Kemal, J. N.; Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Rittershofer, J.; Pajkovic, R.; Lindt, D.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Electrically Packaged Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulator for Communication and Microwave Photonic Applications
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 , paper SM3B.1 (2018) [DOI] more - Kress, C.; Gudyriev, S.; Zwickel, H.; Kemal, J. N.; Lischke, S.; Zimmermann, L.; Koos, C.; Scheytt, J. C.
64 GBd Monolithically Integrated Coherent QPSK Single Polarization Receiver in 0.25 µm SiGe-Photonic Technology
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'18), San Diego (CA), USA, March 11–15 , paper Th4A.6 (2018) [DOI] more - Fuellner, C.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Lutz, J.; Altenhain, L.; Schmid, R.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Transmission of 80-GBd 16-QAM over 300 km and Kramers-Kronig reception using a low-complexity FIR Hilbert filter approximation
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'18), San Diego (CA), USA, Marc 11–15 , paper W4E.3 (2018) [DOI] more - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Ramdane, A.; Brenot, R.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Kemal, J. N.; Trocha, P.; Ganin, D.; Weimann, C.; Wolf, S.; Pfeifle, J.; Karpov, M.; Kordts, A.; Vujicic, V.; Merghem, K.
Optical frequency combs and photonic integrated circuits: Tools for high-speed communications and advanced distance metrology
SPIE Photonics West; Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XV (OPTO-SPIE 2018), San Francisco (CA), Jan. 28 - Feb. 1 , paper 10540-74 (2018) (invited) - Billah, M. R.; Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Blaicher, M.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kieninger, C.; Zwickel, H.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Wolf, S.; Hoose, T.; Xu, Y.; Troppenz, U.; Moehrle, M.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Four-Channel 784 Gbit/s Transmitter Module Enabled by Photonic Wire Bonding and Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulators
43rd European Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC'17), Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. 17 –21 , paper Th.PDP.C.1 (2017) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Harter, T.; Weber, M.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Boes, F.; Nellen, S.; Goebel, T.; Giesekus, J.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Wireless THz Communications Using Optoelectronic Techniques for Signal Generation and Coherent Reception
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'17), San Jose (CA), USA, May 14 – 19 , paper SM3J.2. (2017) [DOI] more - Billah, M. R.; Blaicher, M.; Kemal, J. N.; Hoose, T.; Zwickel, H.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Troppenz, U.; Moehrle, M.; Merget, F.; Hofmann, A.; Witzens, J.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
8-channel 448 Gbit/s Silicon Photonic Transmitter Enabled by Photonic Wire Bonding
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper Th5D.6. (2017) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Merghem, K.; Guy, A.; Calo, C.; Brenot, R.; Lelarge, F.; Ramdane, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
32QAM WDM Transmission Using a Quantum-Dash Passively Mode-Locked Laser with Resonant Feedback
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper Th5C.3. (2017) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Panapakkam, V.; Trocha, P.; Wolf, S.; Merghem, K.; Lelarge, F.; Ramdane, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
WDM Transmission Using Quantum-Dash Mode-Locked Laser Diodes as Multi-Wavelength Source and Local Oscillator
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper Th3F.6. (2017) [DOI] more - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Freude, W.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Kemal, J. N.; Weimann, C.; Wolf, S.; Trocha, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Karpov, M.; Kordts, A.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Martinez, A.; Panapakkam, V.; Chimot, N.
Chip-scale frequency comb generators for high-speed communications and optical metrology
SPIE Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XVI, (LASE-SPIE'17), San Francisco (CA), USA, Jan. 28 - Feb. 2 , paper 10090-15 (2017) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Wolf, S.; Zwickel, H.; Lauermann, M.; Weimann, C.; Hartmann, W.; Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Trocha, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Herr, T.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Elder, D. L.; Martinez, A.; Panapakkam, V.; Chimot, N.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) devices and their use in comb-based communication systems
13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP'16), Shanghai, China, August 24–26 , paper 7739133 (2016) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Dalton, L. R.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Freude, W.; Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Wolf, S.; Trocha, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Lauermann, M.; Herr, T.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Elder, D. L.; Martinez, A.; Panapakkam, V.; Chimot, N.
Multi-terabit/s transmission using chip-scale frequency comb sources
18th Intern. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'16), Trento, Italy, July 10-14 , paper We.A5.1 IEEE (2016) [DOI] (invited) - Marin-Palomo, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Karpov, M.; Trocha, P.; Rosenberger, R.; Vijayan, K.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Kordts, A.; Pfeiffer, M.; Brasch, V.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
50 Tbit/s Massively Parallel WDM Transmission in C and L Band Using Interleaved Cavity-Soliton Kerr Combs
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper STu1G.1. (2016) [DOI] more (invited) - Marin-Palomo, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Kemal, J. N.; Wolf, S.; Vijayan, K.; Chimot, N.; Martinez, A.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.
8.32 Tbit/s Coherent Transmission Using a Quantum-Dash Mode-Locked Laser Diode
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper STh1F.1. (2016) [DOI] - Ramdane, A.; Panapakkam, V.; Gaimard, Q.; Merghem, K.; Aubin, G.; Chimot, N.; Lelarge, F.; Vujicic, V.; Anthur, A.; Zhou, R.; Barry, L. P.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Kemal, J. N.; Pfeifle, J.; Koos, C.
Frequency combs from InAs/InP quantum dash based mode-locked lasers for multi-terabit/s data transmission
International Conference Laser Optics (LO'2016), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 27 June - 1 July , paper R-310 (2016) [DOI] - Kemal, J. N.; Pfeifle, J.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Gutierrez Pascual, M. D.; Wolf, S.; Smyth, F.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Parallel Multi-Wavelength Intradyne Reception Using an Optical Frequency Comb as a Local Oscillator
41th European Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC'15), Valencia, Spain, Sept. 27 – Oct. 1 , paper P.4.18. (2015) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Dalton, L. R.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Shkarban, I.; Koeber, S.; Herr, T.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Elder, D. L.
Coherent Terabit Communications using Chip-scale Frequency Comb Sources
OSA Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Optics (NLO'15), Kauai, Hawaii, USA, July 26–31 , paper NTh2A.1 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Pfeifle, J.; Kordts, A.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Karpov, M.; Pfeiffer, M.; Brasch, V.; Rosenberger, R.; Kemal, J. N.; Wolf, S.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Full C and L-Band Transmission at 20 Tbit/s Using Cavity-Soliton Kerr Frequency Combs
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), Postdeadline Paper Digest, San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper JTh5C.8. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Pfeifle, J.; Shkarban, I.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Weimann, C.; Hartmann, W.; Chimot, N.; Joshi, S.; Merghem, K.; Martinez, A.; Weber, M.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Coherent terabit communications using a quantum-dash mode-locked laser and self-homodyne detection
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'15), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 22 – 26 March , paper W2A.19. (2015) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Lauermann, M.; Kemal, J. N.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Herr, T.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Elder, D. L.
Terabit/s communications using chip-scale frequency comb sources
SPIE 9343, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVII (LASE-SPIE'15), San Francisco (CA), Feb. 7-12 , paper 9343-13 (2015) [DOI] (invited)