Publications of type Inproceedings
List publications according to yearAll | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | List publications according to typeAll | Journal Articles | Books | Conference Contributions | Lectures | Workshops |
Conference Contributions (24)
- Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Dalton, L. R.; Wolf, S.; Zwickel, H.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.; Lauermann, M.; Weimann, C.; Hartmann, W.; Melikyan, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Palmer, R.; Alloatti, L.; Giesecke, A. L.; Wahlbrink, T.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration and photonic multi-chip systems: Technologies for high-speed optical interconnects
Optical Interconnects Conference (OI'16), Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa & Marina, San Diego, California, USA, May 9-11 , paper 7483033 (2016) [DOI] (invited) - Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hofmann, A.; Troppenz, U.; Moehrle, M.; Lindenmann, N.; Thiel, M.; Simon, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Goedecke, M. L.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Multi-Chip Integration by Photonic Wire Bonding: Connecting Surface and Edge Emitting Lasers to Silicon Chips
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'16), Anaheim (CA), USA, March 20–24 , paper M2I.7 (2016) [DOI] - Dietrich, P.-I.; Wondimu, S. F.; Wienhold, T.; Steidle, M.; Hofmann, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Blaicher, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Herstellung mikrooptischer Komponenten durch Zwei-Photonen-Polymerisation
MikroSystemTechnik-Kongress 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 26–28 , EDAS Paper-ID 1570106799 (2015) more - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Kohl, M.; Dalton, L. R.; Bogaerts, W.; Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Weimann, C.; Melikyan, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Billah, M. R.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Koeber, S.; Palmer, R.; Koehnle, K.; Alloatti, L.; Elder, D. L.; Giesecke, A. L.; Wahlbrink, T.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration and photonic multi-chip systems: Extending the capabilities of the silicon photonic platform
28th Annual Conf. of the IEEE Photonics Society (IPC'15), Reston (VA), USA, Oct. 4–8 , paper MF2.1 (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Onanuga, T.; Lindenmann, N.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Wingert, T.; Goedecke, M. L.; Hofmann, A.; Troppenz, U.; Sigmund, A.; Moehrle, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Multi-Chip Integration of Lasers and Silicon Photonics by Photonic Wire Bonding
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper STu2F.2. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Melikyan, A.; Alloatti, L.; Muslija, A.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Li, J.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Lindenmann, N.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Walheim, S.; Vincze, P.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Thourhout, D. V.; Chen, B.; Dinu, R.; Sommer, M.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Kohl, M.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
High-speed Plasmonic Modulators
Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR'14), San Diego, California United States, July 13-17 , paper IT2A.6 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Lindenmann, N.; Dottermusch, S.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.; Koeber, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Connecting silicon photonic circuits to multi-core fibers by photonic wire bonding
Optical Interconnects Conference (OI'14), Loews Coronado Bay, Coronado, California, USA, , 131-132 IEEE, May 4-7 (2014) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.
Three-dimensional two-photon lithography: an enabling technology for photonic wire bonding and multi-chip integration
SPIE 8970 (LASE-SPIE'14), Laser 3D Manufacturing, March , paper 897008 (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Lauermann, M.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Baets, R.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Dinu, R.; Bolten, J.; Wahlbrink, T.; Waldow, M.
Silicon-organic hybrid integration and photonic wire bonding: Enabling technologies for heterogeneous photonic systems
Frontiers in Optics (FiO'13), Orlando (FL), USA, October 05–10 , paper FTu1E.3 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Lauermann, M.; Nesic, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration, photonic wire bonding, and frequency combs: Technologies for multi-terabit/s interconnects
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop iNOW-2013, Cargèse, France, August 19-30 , paper 7483033 (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoose, T.; Hubner, P.; Billah, M. R.
Photonic wire bonding: An enabling technology for heterogeneous multi-chip integration
Advanced Photonics 2013: Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR'13), July 14–17 , paper IM4A.3 Optical Society of America (OSA), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoose, T.; Hubner, P.
Photonic wire bonding: Nanophotonic interconnects fabricated by direct-write 3D lithography
15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2013, June 23-27 , paper We.C2.4, Cartagena, Spain, June (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Balthasar, G.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoose, T.; Hubner, P.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.
Photonic wire bonding: connecting nanophotonic circuits across chip boundaries
Proc. SPIE, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics VI, 86130W; San Francisco (CA), USA; Feb. 2-7 8613, Paper 8613-31 (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Meyer, M.; Wolf, S.; Jordan, M.; Kleinow, P.; Lindenmann, N.; Schindler, P. C.; Melikyan, A.; Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Single-laser 32.5 Tbit/s Nyquist-WDM
International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS'12), Ajaccio (Corsica), France, 11-14 September , paper 381468 (2012) more (invited) - Lindenmann, N.; Balthasar, G.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Broadband low-loss interconnects enabled by photonic wire bonding
Optical Interconnects Conference (OI'12), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, May 20-23 , 125-126, Paper WC1 IEEE, May (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Melikyan, A.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Lindenmann, N.; Vallaitis, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Breiten, B.; Diederich, F.; Beels, M. T.; Biaggio, I.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Nonlinear Optics on the Silicon Platform
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 06-10 , OTh3H.6 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Lindenmann, N.; Balthasar, G.; Jordan, M.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Low-Loss Photonic Wire Bond Interconnects Enabling 5 TBit/s Data Transmission
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 2012, March 06-10 , paper OW4I.4 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2012) [DOI] - Schindler, P. C.; Fischer, H.; Haisch, H.; Lindenmann, N.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Gerster, A.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Optical Technologies for Off-Chip and On-Chip Interconnects
DesignCon 2012, Santa Clara (CA), USA, CA 1/31/2012, January/February , paper TP5 (2012) more - Lindenmann, N.; Balthasar, G.; Palmer, R.; Schuele, S.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Photonic wire bonding for single-mode chip-to-chip interconnects
8th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP'11) , paper FD2, London, UK, Sept (2011) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Melikyan, A.; Lindenmann, N.
A surface plasmon polariton absorption modulator
13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'11) , paper Mo.B2.2, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2011) [DOI] - Lindenmann, N.; Kaiser, I.; Balthasar, G.; Bonk, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Photonic Waveguide Bonds - A Novel Concept for Chip-to-Chip Interconnects
Optical Fiber Communication Conference/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2011 , paper PDPC1 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Melikyan, A.; Vallaitis, T.; Lindenmann, N.; Schimmel, T.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
A Surface Plasmon Polariton Absorption Modulator
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/IQEC'10), San Jose (CA), May 16–21 , paper JThE77 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] - Vallaitis, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Bonk, R.; Lindenmann, N.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Scimeca, M. L.; Biaggio, I.; Diederich, F.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
All-optical wavelength conversion using cross-phase modulation at 42.7 Gbit/s in silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) waveguides
International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS'09), Pisa, Italy, September 15–19 , paper PDP3 (2009) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Lindenmann, N.; Vallaitis, T.; Bonk, R.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Amplitude and phase dynamics in silicon compatible waveguides with highest Kerr-nonlinearities
AMOP Spring Meeting, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG Quantum Optics and Photonics Section, Hamburg, March , paper Q 57.4 (2009)