Publications of type Inproceedings
List publications according to yearAll | 2024 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2010 | List publications according to typeAll | Journal Articles | Conference Contributions | Lectures |
Conference Contributions (6)
- Singer, S.; Xu, Y.; Skacel, S. T.; Menzel, C.; Baldischweiler, B.; Ringwald, S.; Caspers, J. N.; Schneider, S.; Krayl, O.; Reichenbacher, D.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
'LiDAR demonstration using an InP optical phased array (OPA) with a 3D-printed optical beam-shaping element
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'24), Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 22-26, 2024; Paper W1F.2 (2024) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Guber, A. E.; Schimmel, T.; Lauermann, M.; Schneider, S.; Weimann, C.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Harter, T.; Wondimu, S. F.; Wienhold, T.; von der Ecken, S.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Goering, G.
Photonic Integration for Metrology and Sensing
OSA Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nano- Photonics (IPR), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 24 - 27 July , paper ITh1A.1. (2017) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Schneider, S.; Lauermann, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Weimann, C.; Koos, C.
Silicon photonic integrated circuit for optical coherence tomography
18th Intern. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'16), Trento, Italy, July 10-14 , paper Tu.C5.1 (2016) [DOI] (invited) - Dietrich, P.-I.; Reuter, I.; Blaicher, M.; Schneider, S.; Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Hofmann, A.; Caer, C.; Dangel, R.; Offrein, B.; Moehrle, M.; Troppenz, U.; Zander, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Lenses for Low-Loss Chip-to-Fiber and Fiber-to-Fiber Coupling Fabricated by 3D Direct-Write Lithography
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper SM1G.4. (2016) [DOI] - Schneider, S.; Lauermann, M.; Weimann, C.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Silicon Photonic Optical Coherence Tomography System
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'14), Symposium on Novel Light Sources and Photonic Devices in Optical Imaging I, San Jose (CA), USA, June 8–13 , paper ATu2P.4 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] - Schneider, S.; Kramer, A.; Eppler, F.; Alemye, H.; Hubner, C.; Mikonsaari, I.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Polarization-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography for Characterization of Size and Shape of Nano-Particles
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'13), San Jose (CA), USA, June 9–14 , AF1J.4 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI]