Publications of type Inproceedings
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Conference Contributions (342)
- Freude, W.
Communication with light
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'24), Charlotte (NC), USA, May 5–10, Short Course SC518 (2024) - Schwarzenberger, A.; Singer, S.; Eschenbaum, C.; Martens, M.; Mertens, A.; Dagher, G.; Valenziano, L.; Sarwar, S.; Kholeif, H.; Kotz, A.; Zwick, T.; Braese, S.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Linear-drive amplifier-less 112 Gbit/s PAM4 operation of a silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) Mach-Zehnder modulator at 265 mVpp
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 24–28 , Paper M3K.6 (2024) [DOI] more - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Braese, S.; Erk, P.; Eschenbaum, C.; Kuzmin, A.; Mertens, A.; Schwarzenberger, A.; Kholeif, H.; Kotz, A.; Sarwar, S.; Singer, S.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration - from lab to fab
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 24–28 , Paper M3K.1 (2024) [DOI] more - Maier, P.; Kotz, A.; Hebeler, J.; Zhang, Q.; Benz, C.; Quint, A.; Kretschmann, M.; Harter, T.; Randel, S.; Lemmer, U.; Freude, W.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.
3D freeform millimeter-wave and THz structures based on multi-photon lithography
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 24–28, Poster W2A (2024) - Maier, P.; Kotz, A.; Hebeler, J.; Zhang, Q.; Benz, C.; Quint, A.; Kretschmann, M.; Harter, T.; Randel, S.; Lemmer, U.; Freude, W.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.
3D free-form millimeter-wave and THz structures based on multiphoton lithography
Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC 2024), San Diego, USA, March 26-12, 2024, paper W2A.5 (2024) - Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Chen, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Peng, H.; Lihachev, G.; Quint, A.; Valenziano, L.; Randel, S.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
'Spectrally sliced optical arbitrary waveform measurement (OAWM) using a photonic multi-chip receiver assembly
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'24), San Diego (CA), USA, March 24–28, 2024, Paper Tu2A.4 (2024) - Matalla, P.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Comparison of Feedback and Feedforward Clock Recoveries for Ultra-Fast Synchronization in Passive Optical Networks
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'24), San Diego (CA), USA, March 24–28, 2024, Paper W2A.36 (2024) - Peng, H.; Chen, Y.; Robles Lopez, I.; Lihachev, G.; Tian, H.; Voloshin, A.; Riemensberger, J.; Maier, P.; Skacel, S.; Lauermann, M.; Attanasio, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Bhave, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Low-Phase-Noise Frequency-Agile Hybrid Integrated Laser Offering Highly Linear Tuning for FMCW LiDAR
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024), Charlotte, NC, USA, May 5-10, 2024, paper SM2M.1. (2024) (invited) - Fang, D.; Peng, H.; Chen, Y.; Dittmer, J.; Tessmann, A.; Wagner, S.; Matalla, P.; Drayss, D.; Lihachev, G.; Voloshin, A.; Skacel, S. T.; Lauermann, M.; Kallfass, I.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
’Wireless THz Communications at 250 Gbit/s Using Self-Injection-Locked Kerr Soliton Microcombs as Photonic-Electronic Oscillators at the Transmitter and Receiver
European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 22-26, 2024, Paper Tu3F.3 (2024) - Singer, S.; Xu, Y.; Skacel, S. T.; Menzel, C.; Baldischweiler, B.; Ringwald, S.; Caspers, J. N.; Schneider, S.; Krayl, O.; Reichenbacher, D.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
'LiDAR demonstration using an InP optical phased array (OPA) with a 3D-printed optical beam-shaping element
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'24), Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 22-26, 2024; Paper W1F.2 (2024) - Matalla, P.; Schmitz, L.; Krimmer, J.; Fang, D.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Demonstration of Blind Joint Clock Recovery in a 1.92 Tbit/s Transmission Over 50 km Randomly-Coupled Four-Core Fiber
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'24), Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 22-26, 2024; Paper W4C.6 (2024) - Mardoyan, H.; Drayss, D.; Almonacil, S.; Fang, D.; Sherifaj, A.; Ghazisaeidi, A.; Kelany, M.; Castineiras-Carrero, C.; Koos, C.
First Single-Carrier Transmission at Net Data Rates of 1.6 Tb/s over 9075 km and 2.4 Tb/s over 1210 km Using 300 GBd Dual-Polarization Signals and Probabilistic Constellation Shaping
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'24), Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 22-26; Paper Th2B.2 (2024) - Mahmud, M. S.; Matalla, P.; Dittmer, J.; Schindler, A.; Runge, P.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Optic-Electronic-Optic Interferometer on an Indium Phosphide Platform
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Charlotte, USA, May 05-10, 2024, paper STh1Q.6 (2024) - Schwaab, P.; Maier, P.; Bao, Y.; Singer, S.; Worgull, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Pluggable Single-Mode Chip-Chip Connections Using Facet-Attached Microlenses and Passive Mechanical Joints
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Charlotte, USA, May 05-10, 2024, paper SM1D.5 (2024) - Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Quint, A.; Valenziano, L.; Lauermann, M.; Lihachev, G.; Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Randel, S.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Integrated non-sliced OAWM engine enabling 320 GHz photonic-electronic analog-to-digital conversion
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'24), San Diego (CA), USA, March 24–28, 2024, Paper W3B.4 (2024) more - Foroutan-Barenji, S.; Krimmer, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Efficient Modelling of 3D-Printed Freeform Waveguides by a Dedicated Beam-Propagation Method (BPM) Based on Transformation Optics
European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), Aachen, Germany, June 17-19, Springer Proceedings in Physics (SPPHY), Vol. 402 (2024) [DOI] more - Peng, H.; Chen, Y.; Robles Lopez, I.; Lihachev, G.; Tian, H.; Voloshin, A.; Riemensberger, J.; Maier, P.; Skacel, S.; Lauermann, M.; Attanasio, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Bhave, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Low-Phase-Noise Frequency-Agile Hybrid Integrated Lasers Offering Highly Linear Tuning for FMCW LiDAR
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Charlotte, USA, May 5-10, SM2M.1, Optica Publishing Group (OSA) (2024) - Bao, Y.; Paszkiewicz, M.; Krimmer, J.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Rockstuhl, C.; Koos, C.
Loss Prediction and 3D Trajectory Design of Photonic Wire Bonds using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Charlotte, USA, May 5-10 , Paper SM1I.3 (2024) - Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Chen, Y.; Fuellner, C.; Peng, H.; Quint, A.; Valenziano, L.; Randel, S.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Spectrally Sliced Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) Using a Photonic Multi-Chip Receiver Assembly
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Technical Digest Series (Opt. Express), March 24-28, Paper Tu2A.4. (2024) more - Schwarzenberger, A.; Sarwar, S.; Eschenbaum, C.; Mertens, A.; Martens, M.; Kotz, A.; Fang, D.; Sherifaj, A.; Singer, S.; Kholeif, H.; P., Kern; Erk, P.; Kuzmin, A.; Braese, S.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
O-Band SOH Mach-Zehnder Modulator Operating at a PAM4 Line Rate of 384 Gbit/s with Sub-Volt Drive Voltage
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 24–28 , Paper Th4B.6 (2024) more - Matalla, P.; Mahmud, M. S.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Pilot-Free Digital Clock Synchronization for Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution
European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, Oct. 1-5, Paper P92 (2023) [DOI] - Fang, D.; Peng, H.; Drayss, D.; Chen, Y.; Fuellner, C.; Sherifaj, A.; Lihachev, G.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.
Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generation (OAWG) Based on RF Injection-Locked Kerr Soliton Combs
European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, Oct. 1-5, Paper Th.B.2.6 (2023) [DOI] more - Dittmer, J.; Tebart, J.; Fuellner, C.; Koos, C.; Stohr, A.; Randel, S.
200 Gbit/s Wireless THz Transmission over 52m using Optoelectronic Signal Generation
53rd European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Berlin, Germany, Sept. 19-21 , 134–137 (2023) [DOI] more - Freude, W.; Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Optical arbitrary waveform processing based on integrated silicon photonics
Light: Science and Applications, Light Conference, Changchun, China, Aug. 11–16, Track 4, Session 2 , "aug" (2023) (invited) - Freude, W.; Harter, T.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Ummethala, S.; Fang, D.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
THz carrier processing and optical arbitrary waveform measurement employing integrated silicon photonics
Advanced Photonics Congress (APC-Networks), Busan, South Korea, July 9–13, Paper NeM4B.4 (2023) [DOI] (invited) - Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Sherifaj, A.; Peng, H.; Fuellner, C.; Henauer, T.; Lihachev, G.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.
Optical arbitrary waveform generation and measurement (OAWG/OAWM) enabling 320 GBd 32QAM transmission
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Technical Digest Series, Opt. Express, San Jose, USA, May 7–12, paper STh5C.8 (2023) [DOI] more - Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Fang, D.; Dittmer, J.; Lihachev, G.; Voloshin, A.; Skacel, S. T.; Lauermann, M.; Tessmann, A.; Wagner, S.; Bhave, S.; Kallfass, I.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Self-Injection-Locked Kerr Soliton Microcombs With Photonic Wire Bonds For Use in Terahertz Communications
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Science and Innovations, Optica Publishing Group (OSA), San Jose, USA, May 7-12 , paper STh3J.1 (2023) [DOI] - Freude, W.
Communication with light
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'23), San Jose (CA), USA, May 7–12, 2023. Short Course SC518 (2023) - Chen, Y.; Lihachev, G.; Peng, H.; Tian, H.; Fang, D.; Voloshin, A.; Riemensberger, J.; Maier, P.; Skacel, S. T.; Lauermann, M.; Attanasio, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Bhave, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Frequency-Agile Self-Injection-Locked Lasers With sub-100 Hz Linewidth based on In-Package Photonic Wire Bonds
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Science and Innovations, Optica Publishing Group (OSA), San Jose, USA, May 7-12 , paper STu4P.4 (2023) [DOI] - Schwarzenberger, A.; Mertens, A.; Kholeif, H.; Kotz, A.; Eschenbaum, C.; Johnson, L. E.; Elder, D. L.; Hammond, S. R.; O'Malley, K.; Dalton, L.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
First Demonstration of a Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator Based on a Long-Term-Stable Crosslinked Electro-Optic Material
European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), paper We.A.4.2 (2023) - Matalla, P.; Mahmud, M. S.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Pilot-free digital clock synchronization for continuous-variable quantum key distribution
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, Oct. 01-05, 2023, paper P92 (2023) [DOI] more - Dittmer, J.; Fuellner, C.; Wagner, S.; Tessmann, A.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Comparison of Electronic and Optoelectronic Signal Generation for Wireless THz Communications
WSA & SCC 2023; 26th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas and 13th Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding, Braunschweig, Germany, Feb. 27 – March 03 (2023) more - Mahmud, M. S.; Matalla, P.; Adib, M. M. H.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Coherent Add/Drop Multiplexing Using an Optic-Electronic-Optic Interferometer
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, USA, May 7-12, paper SM2I.6 (2023) more - Schwarzenberger, A.; Kholeif, H.; Kotz, A.; Mertens, A.; Eschenbaum, C.; Ramann, G.; Zyskind, J.; Lebby, M.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
First Demonstration of a Cryogenic Silicon Organic Hybrid (SOH) Mach-Zehnder Modulator with a Sub-1V π-Voltage
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, USA, May 7-12, Paper STh5C.7 (2023) [DOI] more - Krimmer, J.; Vliet, V. v.; Hout, M. v. d.; Heide, S. v. d.; Bradley, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Okonkwo, C.; Randel, S.
Experimental validation of a statistical model of mode-diverse reception in coherent free-space optical communications
Communications and Observations through Atmospheric Turbulence (COAT); Durham, UK, March 29-31 (2023) more (accepted) - Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Fuellner, C.
Sliceless-Less Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) on a Silicon Photonic Chip
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, Sept. 18-22 , paper We4E.6 (2022) - Eschenbaum, C.; Mertens, A.; Fuellner, C.; Kuzmin, A.; Schwarzenberger, A.; Kotz, A.; Ramann, G.; Chen, M.; Drisko, J.; Johnson, B.; Zyskind, J.; Marcelli, J.; Lebby, M.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Thermally Stable Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Mach-Zehnder Modulator for 140 GBd PAM4 Transmission With Sub-1 V Drive Signals
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2022), Basel, Switzerland, Sept. 18-22 , Th3B.2 (2022) more - Schwarzenberger, A.; Kuzmin, A.; Eschenbaum, C.; Fuellner, C.; Mertens, A.; Johnson, L. E.; Elder, D. L.; Hammond, S. R.; Dalton, L. R.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Cryogenic Operation of a Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator at 50 Gbps and 4 K Ambient Temperature
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, Sept. 18-22 , Th3B.3 (2022) more - Maier, P.; Xu, Y.; Blaicher, M.; Geskus, D.; Dekker, R.; Liu, J.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Peng, H.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
InP/Si3N4 Hybrid External-Cavity Laser With sub-kHz Linewidth Acting as a Pump Source for Kerr Frequency Combs
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, Sept. 18-22 , paper We2E.4 (2022) more - Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Fuellner, C.; Kuzmin, A.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Slice-Less Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) on a Silicon Photonic Chip
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, Sept. 18-22 , paper We4E.6 (2022) more - Adib, M. M. H.; Fuellner, C.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
Subcarrier-Based Coherent PON Architecture for a Converged Fiber Infrastructure in Smart-Cities
Advanced Photonics Congress, July 24-28, Maastricht, Netherlands, Paper NeM3D.2 (2022) more - Fuellner, C.; Sherifaj, A.; Henauer, T.; Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
160-GBd Photonic-Electronic PAM Transmitter Based on IQ Multiplexing
OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Toyama, Japan, Jul 03-06 , paper MB2-2 (2022) [DOI] - Koos, C.
Chip-Scale Frequency Combs: Light Sources for Communications, Optical Ranging and Ultra-Broadband Signal Processing
Microcomb2022 EPFL Network Conference, Saanen, Switzerland, June 6 – 8 (2022) (invited) - Singer, S.; Xu, Y.; Skacel, S.; Zwickel, H.; Maier, P.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Kaschel, M.; Menzel, C.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
3D-Printed Facet-Attached Optical Elements for Beam Shaping in Solid-State Phased Arrays
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San José, U.S.A., May 15-20 , Paper SM4P.5 (2022) [DOI] - Singer, S.; Trocha, P.; Zwickel, H.; Kieninger, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Kaschel, M.; Menzel, C.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Nonlinear Loss and Damage Threshold in Silicon Photonic Waveguides: Modelling and Experimental Verification
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San José, U.S.A., May 15-20 , Paper SF3O.4 (2022) [DOI] - Fuellner, C.; Sherifaj, A.; Henauer, T.; Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Harter, T.; Gutema, T. Z.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Photonic-Electronic Arbitrary Waveform Generation up to 100 GHz Using Active Phase Stabilization
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, USA, May 15-20 , paper STh5M.3 (2022) [DOI] more - Maier, P.; Bremauer, C.; Bao, Y.; Xu, Y.; Ganin, D.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography (SS-OCT) Using a Hybrid Silicon Photonic External-Cavity Laser (ECL)
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA, May 15-19 , paper AM5I.4 (2022) more - Matalla, P.; Mahmud, M. S.; Fuellner, C.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Real-Time Feedforward Clock Recovery for Optical Burst-Mode Transmission
Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC): March 06–10, San Diego, CA, USA , paper M2H.2 (2022) more - Henauer, T.; Sherifaj, A.; Fuellner, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.
200 GBd 16QAM Signals Synthesized by an Actively Phase-Stabilized Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generator (OAWG)
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 06-10 , paper M2I.2 (2022) more - Krimmer, J.; Schmitz, L.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Spatio-Temporal Statistical Model of Free-Space-to-Fiber Coupling Under Atmospheric Turbulence
Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC); San Diego, CA, USA, March 06–10 , paper W2A.12 (2022) [DOI] more - Maier, P.; Xu, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Henniger-Ludwig, A.; Kapim, H.; Trappen, M.; Kind, T.; Weber, A.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Wurster, C.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
3D-Printed Optical Elements for Coupling of VCSEL and Photodiode Arrays to Multi-Core Fibers in an SFP Transceiver Assembly
Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC); San Diego, CA, USA, March 06–10 , paper W2A.1 (2022) [DOI] more - Drayss, D.; Fang, D.; Fuellner, C.; Likhachev, G.; Henauer, T.; Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Slice-Less Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) in a Bandwidth of More Than 600 GHz
Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, March 06–10 , M2I.1 (2022) [DOI] more - Fuellner, C.; Duenkel, O.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Performance Requirements for Optical Frequency Comb Generators as Optical Power Supplies in Coherent SDM/DWDM Links
ITG Workshop KT 3.1 „Modellierung photonischer Komponenten und Systeme”, Online-Workshop, Feb. 07 (2022) - Fuellner, C.
Kramers-Kronig reception – an attractive solution for future PONs?
47th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC‘21), Bordeaux, France, Sept. 13-16 , Bordeaux, France (2021) - Fang, D.; Drayss, D.; Likhachev, G.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Peng, H.; Fuellner, C.; Kuzmin, A.; Liu, J.; Wang, R.; Snigirev, V.; Lukashchuk, A.; Zhang, M.; Kharel, P.; Witzens, J.; Scheytt, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
320 GHz Analog-to-Digital Converter Exploiting Kerr Soliton Combs and Photonic-Electronic Spectral Stitching
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2021), Bordeaux, France, Sept. 13-16 , Th3C1-PD2.2 (2021) [DOI] - Fuellner, C.; Fang, D.; Matalla, P.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Ultra-Broadband Electrical Signal Generation and IM/DD Transmission of QAM Signals at Symbol Rates Up to 90 GBd
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Bordeaux, France, Sept. 13-16 , We1C1.5 (2021) [DOI] more - Bogdoll, D.; Matalla, P.; Fuellner, C.; Raack, C.; Li, S.; Kaefer, T.; Orf, S.; Zofka, M. R.; Sartoris, F.; Schweikert, C.; Pfeiffer, T.; Richter, A.; Randel, S.; Bonk, R.
Kiglis: Smart Networks for Smart Cities
IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), virtual conference, Sept. 07-10 , paper 13.5 (2021) [DOI] more - Knehr, E.; Xu, Y.; Bao, Y.; Maier, P.; Jimenez, C.; Ilin, K.; Ziegler, M.; Schmidt, H.; Kempf, S.; Kuzmin, A.
Optical packaging of SNSPDs with photonic wire bonds
15th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2021), Online, September 5–9 (2021) - Adib, M. M. H.; Fuellner, C.; Schwarzenberger, A.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
Analysis of Burst Mode Reception in 100 Gbit/s Coherent Passive Optical Networks
Advanced Photonics Congress, July 26-30, Online, Paper NeM1C.3 (2021) [DOI] - Matalla, P.; Mahmud, M. S.; Fuellner, C.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
Hardware Comparison of Feed-Forward Clock Recovery Algorithms for Optical Communications
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, June 06-11 , paper Th1A.10-1 (2021) more - Fang, D.; Zazzi, A.; Mueller, J.; Drayss, D.; Fuellner, C.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Mashayekh, A. T.; Das, A. D.; Weizel, M.; Gudyriev, S.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Scheytt, J. C.; Witzens, J.; Koos, C.
Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) on the Silicon Photonic Platform
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, June 06-11, paper F2E.6 (2021) more - Krimmer, J.; Randel, S.
Statistical Analysis of Mode-Division Multiplexing Gains in Coherent Free-Space Optical Communications
Photonic Networks; 22th ITG Symposium, online, May 19-20 , 58-65 (2021) more - Adib, M. M. H.; Fuellner, C.; Randel, S.
Comparison of Coarse Frequency-Offset Estimation Algorithms for Coherent Passive Optical Networks
Photonic Networks; 22th ITG Symposium, online, May 19-20 , 1-4 VDE, Online (2021) more - Harris, R. J.; Pike, F.; Trappen, M.; Haffert, S. Y.; Xu, Y.; Benoit, A.; Ross, C.; MacLachlan, D.; Barboza, S.; Maier, P.
Multi-core fibre-fed integral field spectrograph (MCIFU) IV: the fiber link
R. Geyl & R. Navarro (Eds.), Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation IV, online, USA, Dec. 14-22 , 11451, 1145124 (2020) [DOI] - Haffert, S. Y.; Harris, R. J.; Zanutta, A.; Pike, F.; Bianco, A.; Redaelli, E. M. A.; Benoit, A.; MacLachlan, D.; Ross, C.; Maier, P.
Multi-core fibre-fed integral-field unit (MCIFU): overview and first-light
D. Schmidt, L. Schreiber & E. Vernet (Eds.), Adaptive Optics Systems VI, online, USA, Dec. 14-22 , 11448 (2020) [DOI] - Anagnos, T.; Maier, P.; Hottinger, P.; Betters, C. H.; Feger, T.; Leon-Saval, S. G.; Gris-Sanchez, I.; Yerolatsitis, S.; Lozi, J.; Birks, T. A.
An innovative integral field unit upgrade with 3D-printed micro-lenses for the RHEA at Subaru
R. Geyl & R. Navarro (Eds.), Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation IV, 263, online, SPIE, Dec. 13 , 114516Y (2020) [DOI] - Krimmer, J.; Fuellner, C.; Randel, S.
A New Approach to Nonuniform Sampling of Bounded Atmospheric Turbulence Spectra
46th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, Dec.06-10 , paper We1G-6 (2020) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Zwick, T.; Scheytt, J. C.; Witzens, J.; Walther, M.; Harter, T.; Ummethala, S.; Kieninger, C.; Zwickel, H.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Fuellner, C.; Schaefer, J.; Gudyriev, S.; Zazzi, A.; Mueller, J.; Tessmann, A.
Photonic-Electronic Ultra-Broadband Signal Processing: Concepts, Devices, and Applications
IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS), Monterey (CA) USA, Nov. 16-19 (2020) [DOI] - Krimmer, J.; Fuellner, C.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Statistical Analysis of Free-Space-to-Fiber Coupling Under Atmospheric Turbulence
Advanced Photonics Congress (Networks 2020), Washington, DC (D.C.), USA, July 13-16 , paper NeTu2B.5 (2020) [DOI] more - Adib, M. M. H.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Kemal, J. N.; Fuellner, C.; Mahmud, M. S.; Ramdane, A.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
Coherent TWDM-PON Downstream Architecture Based on a Chip-Scale QD-MLLD
Advanced Photonics Congress (Networks), Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, USA, July 13-16 , paper NeM4B.3 (2020) [DOI] more - Trappen, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Burger, P.; Blaicher, M.; Goering, G.; Schimmel, T.; Freude, W.; Hoelscher, H.; Koos, C.
AFM engine with optical actuation and readout printed on the facet of a multi-core fiber
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10-15 , paper SM2N.7 (2020) more - Mahmud, M. S.; Kemal, J. N.; Adib, M. M. H.; Fuellner, C.; Schindler, A.; Runge, P.; Schell, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Optic-Electronic-Optic Interferometer: A First Experimental Demonstration
Confference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Washington, DC (D.C.), USA, May 10–15 , paper SF1L.1 (2020) more - Ummethala, S.; Pammi, V. A.; Uddin, A. H. M.; Hahn, L.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Horizontal-Slot Plasmonic-Organic Hybrid (POH) Modulator
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10-15 , paper SM2J.4 (2020) [DOI] more - Zazzi, A.; Fang, D.; Scheytt, J. C.; Gudyriev, S.; Koos, C.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Witzens, J.
Mode-locked Laser Timing Jitter Limitation in Optically Enabled, Spectrally Sliced ADCs
21th ITG-Symposium on Photonic Networks, Online, Nov- 24-25 VDE ITG Fachberichte 294, 114-118 VDE Verlag (2020) [DOI] more - Randel, S.; Harter, T.; Fuellner, C.; Ummethala, S.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.
Opto-Electronic Terahertz Transceivers for Wireless 5G Backhaul
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 08–12 , paper M4I.6 (2020) (invited) - Xu, Y.; Maier, P.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Billah, M. R.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Hartmann, W.; Troppenz, U.; Moehrle, M.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
InP/Silicon Hybrid External-Cavity Lasers (ECL) Using Photonic Wirebonds as Coupling Elements
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 08–12, paper M4H.6 (2020) more - Kieninger, C.; Fuellner, C.; Zwickel, H.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Eschenbaum, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
SOH Mach-Zehnder Modulators for 100 GBd PAM4 Signaling With Sub-1 dB Phase-Shifter Loss
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'20), San Diego (CA), USA, March 08–12 , paper Th3C.3 (2020) more - Krimmer, J.; Fuellner, C.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Statistical Modelling of Free-Space to Multi-Mode-Fiber Coupling Under Atmospheric Turbulence
ITG Workshop KT31 „Modellierung photonischer Komponenten und Systeme”, KIT, IPQ, Karlsruhe, Germany, Feb. 18-19 , paper NeM4B.3 (2020) [DOI] - Su, Y.; Trappen, M.; Blaicher, M.; Koos, C.; Nahm, W.
A 3D resolution and aberration test target for confocal laser endomicroscopy
SPIE BiOS 2020, San Francisco (CA), USA, Feb. 01-03 , 11229 (2020) [DOI] - Koos, C.
Silicon Photonics, Hybrid Integration, and Frequency Combs: Technologies for High-bandwith Communications - Tutorial
(2019) - Harter, T.; Fuellner, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Ummethala, S.; Steinmann, J. L.; Brosi, J.-M.; Hesler, J. L.; Bruendermann, E.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Generalized Kramers-Kronig Receiver for 16QAM Wireless THz Transmission at 110 Gbit/s
45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-26 , paper Th.2.C.4 (2019) [DOI] more - Adib, M. M. H.; Mahmud, M. S.; Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Fuellner, C.; Ramdane, A.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
24 GBd DP-QPSK Upstream and Downstream Operation of a Colourless Coherent PON Using an MLLD-Based Frequency Comb
45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-26 , paper M.1.F.2 (2019) [DOI] more - Freude, W.; Harter, T.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Ummethala, S.; Nellen, S.; Hahn, L.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Silicon photonics for coherent terahertz generation and detection
21th Intern. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Angers, France, July 9-13 , paper 8840408 (2019) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Harter, T.; Ummethala, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Blaicher, M.; Wolf, S.; Weber, M.; Boes, F.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Nellen, S.; Hahn, L.; Globisch, B.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Wireless Terahertz Communications
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), pp. 1-1 , paper 8873098 (2019) [DOI] - Ummethala, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Lauermann, M.; Alam, A. S.; Zwickel, H.; Harter, T.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Hahn, L.; Nandam, S. H.; Elder, D. L.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Capacitively Coupled Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulator for 200 Gbit/s PAM-4 Signaling
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose (CA), USA, May 5–10 , paper JTh5B.2 Optical Society of America (2019) [DOI] more - Koos, C.
Silicon Photonics, Hybrid Integration, and Frequency Combs: Technologies for High-bandwidth Communications
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 3–7 , paper W3D.1 (2019) more (invited) - Koos, C.
High-speed optical devices and multiplexing techniques
Workshop “Super DACs and ADCs - To Interleave or not to Interleave”, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'19), San Diego (CA), USA, March 03.–07. (2019) - Adib, M. M. H.; Kemal, J. N.; Fuellner, C.; Mahmud, M. S.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.
Colorless Coherent Passive Optical Network Using a Frequency Comb Local Oscillator
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego (CA), USA, March 03.–07. , paper Th3F.4 (2019) more - v. Vangerow, C.; Bohn, C.; Zwickel, H.; Koos, C.; Zwick, T.
50 GBit/s PAM-4 Driver Circuit Based on Variable Gain Distributed Power Combine
19th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF) Orlando, FL, USA, 20.01.–23.01. , 1-3 (2019) [DOI] - v. Vangerow, C.; Bohn, C.; Zwickel, H.; Koos, C.; Zwick, T.
50GBit/s PAM-4 Driver Circuit Based on Variable Gain Distributed Power Combiner
2019 IEEE 19th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), Orlando, FL, USA , pages 1-3 (2019) [DOI] - Freude, W.; Harter, T.; Ummethala, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Blaicher, M.; Wolf, S.; Weber, M.; Boes, F.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Nellen, S.; Hahn, L.; Goebel, T.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Terahertz communications meets photonics
14th Intern. Conf. on Fiber Optics & Photonics (Photonics'18), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), Delhi, India, December 12–15 (2018) (invited) - Freude, W.
Wireless THz communications
14th Intern. Conf. on Fiber Optics & Photonics (Photonics'18), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), Delhi, India, December 12 (2018) - Trappen, M.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hoose, T.; Xu, Y.; Billah, M. R.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
3D-Printed Optics for Wafer-Scale Probing
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Rome, Italy, September 23-27, paper Tu4C.2 (2018) [DOI] - Hoose, T.; Blaicher, M.; Kemal, J. N.; Zwickel, H.; Billah, M. R.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hofmann, A.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Hardwired Configurable Photonic Integrated Circuits Enabled by 3D Nanoprinting
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'18), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , paper Mo4H.3 (2018) [DOI] (invited) - Ummethala, S.; Harter, T.; Koehnle, K.; Li, Z.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Schaefer, J.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Kumar Garlapati, S.; Bacher, A.; Hahn, L.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Wireless Transmission at 0.3 THz Using Direct THz-to-Optical Conversion at the Receiver
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'18), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , paper We4H.3 (2018) [DOI] (invited) - Adib, M. M. H.; Pilori, D.; Fuellner, C.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Optical Filter Requirements for DWDM Transmission Systems with Kramers-Kronig Receivers
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , poster We2.34 (2018) [DOI] more - Harter, T.; Fuellner, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Ummethala, S.; Brosi, J.-M.; Bruendermann, E.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
110-m THz Wireless Transmission at 100 Gbit/s Using a Kramers-Kronig Schottky Barrier Diode Receiver
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'18), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , paper Th3F.7 (2018) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Billah, M. R.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hoose, T.; Xu, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Nesic, A.; Hofmann, A.
Photonic Wire Bonding and 3D Nanoprinting in Photonic Integration – from Lab Demonstrations to Production
44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'18), Rome, Italy, September 23-27 , paper 8535426 (2018) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Wolf, S.; Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Elder, D. L.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Zwickel, H.; Melikyan, A.; Harter, T.; Ummethala, S.; Billah, M. R.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hoose, T.
Hybrid Photonic Integration and Plasmonic Devices: New Perspectives for High-Speed Communications and Ultra-Fast Signal Processing
Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2018), Hong Kong, July 29 – August 3 , pp. 1-2 (2018) [DOI] more (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Blaicher, M.; Xu, Y.; Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Trappen, M.; Hofmann, A.
Efficient Coupling Interfaces in Photonic Systems Enabled by Printed Freeform Micro-Optics
20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'18), Bucharest, Romania, July 1 – 5 , paper Mo.D5.5 (2018) [DOI] (invited) - Blaicher, M.; Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hofmann, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
3D-Printed Ultra-Broadband Highly Efficient Out-of-Plane Coupler for Photonic Integrated Circuits
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'18), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 , paper STh1A.1 (2018) [DOI] more - Ummethala, S.; Harter, T.; Koehnle, K.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Schaefer, J.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Kumar Garlapati, S.; Bacher, A.; Hahn, L.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Terahertz-to-Optical Conversion Using a Plasmonic Modulator
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'18), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 , paper STu3D.4 (2018) [DOI] more - Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Zwickel, H.; Miura, H.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Yokoyama, S.; Koos, C.
Demonstration of Long-Term Thermal Stability of a Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator at 85°C
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'18), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 , paper SM3B.3 (2018) [DOI] more - Kohler, D.; Wondimu, S. F.; Hahn, L.; Allegro, I.; Blaicher, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Lasing in Si3N4-Organic Hybrid (SiNOH) Spiral Resonators
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'18), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 , paper SM4I.6 (2018) [DOI] more - Blaicher, M.; Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hofmann, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
3D-Printed Ultra-Broadband Highly Efficient Out-of-Plane Coupler for Photonic Integrated Circuits
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optica Publishing Group, 2018) , paper STh1A.1 (2018) [DOI] - Ummethala, S.; Harter, T.; Kohnle, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kemal, J. N.; Schaefer, J.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Garlapati, S. K.; Bacher, A.; Hahn, L.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Terahertz-to-Optical Conversion Using a Plasmonic Modulator
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optica Publishing Group, 2018) , paper STu3D.4 (2018) [DOI] - Zwickel, H.; Kemal, J. N.; Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Rittershofer, J.; Pajkovic, R.; Lindt, D.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Electrically Packaged Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulator for Communication and Microwave Photonic Applications
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Opt. Express), online, San Jose, USA, May 13–18 , paper SM3B.1 (2018) [DOI] - Koos, C.
Will Optical Switching Drive Data Center Design in 2028?
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'18), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 (2018) - Zwickel, H.; Kemal, J. N.; Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Rittershofer, J.; Pajkovic, R.; Lindt, D.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Electrically Packaged Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulator for Communication and Microwave Photonic Applications
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose (CA), USA, May 13–18 , paper SM3B.1 (2018) [DOI] more - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Billah, M. R.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hoose, T.; Xu, Y.; Hofmann, A.
Photonic Wirebonding and 3D Nanoprinting in Optical Packaging: From Research to Manufacturing
SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 Strasbourg, April 23 – 26 , paper 10686-7 (2018) (invited) - Kress, C.; Gudyriev, S.; Zwickel, H.; Kemal, J. N.; Lischke, S.; Zimmermann, L.; Koos, C.; Scheytt, J. C.
64 GBd Monolithically Integrated Coherent QPSK Single Polarization Receiver in 0.25 µm SiGe-Photonic Technology
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'18), San Diego (CA), USA, March 11–15 , paper Th4A.6 (2018) [DOI] more - Fuellner, C.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Lutz, J.; Altenhain, L.; Schmid, R.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Transmission of 80-GBd 16-QAM over 300 km and Kramers-Kronig reception using a low-complexity FIR Hilbert filter approximation
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'18), San Diego (CA), USA, Marc 11–15 , paper W4E.3 (2018) [DOI] more - Koos, C.
Team A – Key Transceiver Technologies
Workshop ‘Will Optical Switching Drive Data Center Design in 2028 ?’, Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'18), San Diego (CA), USA, March 11–15 (2018) - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Ramdane, A.; Brenot, R.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Kemal, J. N.; Trocha, P.; Ganin, D.; Weimann, C.; Wolf, S.; Pfeifle, J.; Karpov, M.; Kordts, A.; Vujicic, V.; Merghem, K.
Optical frequency combs and photonic integrated circuits: Tools for high-speed communications and advanced distance metrology
SPIE Photonics West; Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XV (OPTO-SPIE 2018), San Francisco (CA), Jan. 28 - Feb. 1 , paper 10540-74 (2018) (invited) - Milvich, J.; Kohler, D.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Readout for Instantaneous Sensor Calibration and Extraction of Endlessly Unwrapped Phase
IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC2017), Orlando, Florida, USA, 1-5 October , paper WH3.3 (2017) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Billah, M. R.; Blaicher, M.; Hoose, T.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Nesic, A.; Hofmann, A.
Hybrid Photonic Multi-chip Integration Enabled by 3D Nano-printing
IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC2017), Orlando, Florida, USA, 1-5 October , paper ThF1.4 (2017) [DOI] (invited) - Harter, T.; Adib, M. M. H.; Wolf, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Weber, M.; Blaicher, M.; Boes, F.; Massler, H.; Tessmann, A.; Nellen, S.; Goebel, T.; Giesekus, J.; Walther, M.; Zwick, T.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Wireless Multi-Subcarrier THz Communications Using Mixing in a Photoconductor for Coherent Reception
IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC2017), Orlando, Florida, USA, 1-5 October , paper MA4.2 (2017) [DOI] - Billah, M. R.; Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Blaicher, M.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kieninger, C.; Zwickel, H.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Wolf, S.; Hoose, T.; Xu, Y.; Troppenz, U.; Moehrle, M.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Four-Channel 784 Gbit/s Transmitter Module Enabled by Photonic Wire Bonding and Silicon-Organic Hybrid Modulators
43rd European Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC'17), Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. 17 –21 , paper Th.PDP.C.1 (2017) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Guber, A. E.; Schimmel, T.; Lauermann, M.; Schneider, S.; Weimann, C.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Harter, T.; Wondimu, S. F.; Wienhold, T.; von der Ecken, S.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Goering, G.
Photonic Integration for Metrology and Sensing
OSA Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nano- Photonics (IPR), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 24 - 27 July , paper ITh1A.1. (2017) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Harter, T.; Melikyan, A.; Koehnle, K.; Muslija, A.; Vincze, P.; Wolf, S.; Jakobs, P. -J.; Fedoryshyn, Y.; Leuthold, J.; Kohl, M.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
PIPED: A silicon-plasmonic high-speed photodetector
19th Intern. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'17), Girona, Spain, July 2-6 , paper Mo.D4.1 (2017) [DOI] (invited) - Ganin, D.; Trocha, P.; Pfeiffer, M.; Karpov, M.; Kordts, A.; Krockenberger, J.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Wolf, S.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Ultrafast Dual-Comb Distance Metrology Using Dissipative Kerr Solitons
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'17), San Jose (CA), USA, May 14 – 19 , paper STh4L.6. (2017) [DOI] more - Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Zwickel, H.; Wolf, S.; Lauermann, M.; Elder, D. L.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Randel, S.; Koos, C.
Record-High In-Device Electro-Optic Coefficient of 359 pm/V in a Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'17), San Jose (CA), USA, May 14 – 19 , paper STu3N.2. (2017) [DOI] more - Hermans, A.; Van Daele, M.; Kieninger, C.; Dendooven, J.; Clemmen, S.; Detavernier, C.; Koos, C.; Baets, R.
CMOS-Compatible ALD Zinc Oxide Coating for On-Chip Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Functionalities
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'17), San Jose (CA), USA, May 14 – 19 , paper SM3K.3. (2017) [DOI] more - Harter, T.; Weber, M.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Boes, F.; Nellen, S.; Goebel, T.; Giesekus, J.; Zwick, T.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Wireless THz Communications Using Optoelectronic Techniques for Signal Generation and Coherent Reception
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'17), San Jose (CA), USA, May 14 – 19 , paper SM3J.2. (2017) [DOI] more - Billah, M. R.; Blaicher, M.; Kemal, J. N.; Hoose, T.; Zwickel, H.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Troppenz, U.; Moehrle, M.; Merget, F.; Hofmann, A.; Witzens, J.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
8-channel 448 Gbit/s Silicon Photonic Transmitter Enabled by Photonic Wire Bonding
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper Th5D.6. (2017) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Lange, S.; Wolf, S.; Lutz, J.; Altenhain, L.; Schmid, R.; Kaiser, R.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.; Schell, M.
100 GBd Intensity Modulation and Direct Detection with an InP-based Monolithic DFB Laser Mach-Zehnder Modulator
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper Th5C.5. (2017) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Merghem, K.; Guy, A.; Calo, C.; Brenot, R.; Lelarge, F.; Ramdane, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
32QAM WDM Transmission Using a Quantum-Dash Passively Mode-Locked Laser with Resonant Feedback
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper Th5C.3. (2017) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Wolf, S.; Zwickel, H.; Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Lutz, J.; Altenhain, L.; Schmid, R.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Randel, S.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) IQ Modulator for 100 GBd 16QAM Operation
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper Th5C.1. (2017) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Panapakkam, V.; Trocha, P.; Wolf, S.; Merghem, K.; Lelarge, F.; Ramdane, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
WDM Transmission Using Quantum-Dash Mode-Locked Laser Diodes as Multi-Wavelength Source and Local Oscillator
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper Th3F.6. (2017) [DOI] more - Zwickel, H.; De Keulenaer, T.; Wolf, S.; Kieninger, C.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Lauermann, M.; Verplaetse, M.; Pierco, R.; Vaernewyck, R.; Vyncke, A.; Yin, X.; Torfs, G.; Freude, W.; Mentovich, E.; Bauwelinck, J.; Koos, C.
100 Gbit/s Serial Transmission Using a Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator and a Duobinary Driver IC
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'17), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 19–23 , paper W4I.5. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2017) [DOI] more - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Dalton, L. R.; Wolf, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Melikyan, A.; Zwickel, H.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Harter, T.; Lauermann, M.; Elder, D. L.
Nanophotonic modulators and photodetectors using silicon photonic and plasmonic device concepts
SPIE Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXV (OPTO-SPIE'17), San Francisco (CA), USA, Jan. 28 - Feb. 2 , paper 10098-6 (2017) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Freude, W.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Kemal, J. N.; Weimann, C.; Wolf, S.; Trocha, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Karpov, M.; Kordts, A.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Martinez, A.; Panapakkam, V.; Chimot, N.
Chip-scale frequency comb generators for high-speed communications and optical metrology
SPIE Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XVI, (LASE-SPIE'17), San Francisco (CA), USA, Jan. 28 - Feb. 2 , paper 10090-15 (2017) [DOI] (invited) - Kalt, H.; Siegle, T.; Kraemmer, S.; Flatae, A. M.; Schierle, S.; Richter, B.; Nocentini, S.; Parmeggiani, C.; Zeng, H.; Burresi, M.; Wiersma, D. S.; Wondimu, S. F.; Schuch, P.; Koos, C.
Polymeric whispering gallery mode micro-resonators
IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC'2016), Waikoloa, United States, 2-6 October, pp. 95-96 , paper 7830996 (2016) [DOI] - Zwickel, H.; Wolf, S.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Kieninger, C.; Lauermann, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
120 Gbit/s PAM-4 signaling using a silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) Mach-Zehnder modulator
42nd European Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC'16), Düsseldorf, Germany, Sept. 18–22 (2016) more - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Wolf, S.; Zwickel, H.; Lauermann, M.; Weimann, C.; Hartmann, W.; Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Trocha, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Herr, T.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Elder, D. L.; Martinez, A.; Panapakkam, V.; Chimot, N.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) devices and their use in comb-based communication systems
13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP'16), Shanghai, China, August 24–26 , paper 7739133 (2016) [DOI] (invited) - Haldar, R.; Mishra, V.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Varshney, S. K.
Fabrication Tolerant, Temperature Insensitive High-Q Nested Off-Axis Microring Resonators
Advanced Photonics 2016: Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nano-Photonics (IPR'16), Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, July 18–20 , paper ITu1B.4 Optical Society of America (2016) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Dalton, L. R.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Freude, W.; Kemal, J. N.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Wolf, S.; Trocha, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Lauermann, M.; Herr, T.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Elder, D. L.; Martinez, A.; Panapakkam, V.; Chimot, N.
Multi-terabit/s transmission using chip-scale frequency comb sources
18th Intern. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'16), Trento, Italy, July 10-14 , paper We.A5.1 IEEE (2016) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Schneider, S.; Lauermann, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Weimann, C.; Koos, C.
Silicon photonic integrated circuit for optical coherence tomography
18th Intern. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'16), Trento, Italy, July 10-14 , paper Tu.C5.1 (2016) [DOI] (invited) - Melikyan, A.; Koehnle, K.; Lauermann, M.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Elder, D. L.; Wolf, S.; Sommer, M.; Dalton, L. R.; Thourhout, D. V.; Freude, W.; Kohl, M.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Plasmonic-organic hybrid (POH) modulators
21st OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) held jointly with International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS'2016), Niigata, Japan, 3-7 July , paper ThE3-1 (2016) (invited) - Marin-Palomo, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Karpov, M.; Trocha, P.; Rosenberger, R.; Vijayan, K.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Kordts, A.; Pfeiffer, M.; Brasch, V.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
50 Tbit/s Massively Parallel WDM Transmission in C and L Band Using Interleaved Cavity-Soliton Kerr Combs
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper STu1G.1. (2016) [DOI] more (invited) - Marin-Palomo, P.; Pfeifle, J.; Kemal, J. N.; Wolf, S.; Vijayan, K.; Chimot, N.; Martinez, A.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.
8.32 Tbit/s Coherent Transmission Using a Quantum-Dash Mode-Locked Laser Diode
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper STh1F.1. (2016) [DOI] - Siegle, T.; Schierle, S.; Kraemmer, S.; Richter, B.; Wondimu, S. F.; Schuch, P.; Koos, C.; Kalt, H.
Tunable coupling of whispering gallery mode resonators on elastomer substrates
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper STu1E.7. (2016) [DOI] - Harter, T.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Ummethala, S.; Schmid, A.; Bacher, A.; Hahn, L.; Kohl, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Silicon-Plasmonic Photomixer for Generation and Homodyne Reception of Continuous-Wave THz Radiation
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper SM4E.5. (2016) [DOI] - Dietrich, P.-I.; Reuter, I.; Blaicher, M.; Schneider, S.; Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Hofmann, A.; Caer, C.; Dangel, R.; Offrein, B.; Moehrle, M.; Troppenz, U.; Zander, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Lenses for Low-Loss Chip-to-Fiber and Fiber-to-Fiber Coupling Fabricated by 3D Direct-Write Lithography
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper SM1G.4. (2016) [DOI] - Wickberg, A.; Kieninger, C.; Surgers, C.; Koos, C.; Wegener, M.
Second-Harmonic Generation from ZnO / Al2O3 Laminate Optical Metamaterials Grown by Atomic-Layer Deposition
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'16), San Jose (CA), USA, June 5 – 10 , paper FM1D.2. (2016) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Dalton, L. R.; Wolf, S.; Zwickel, H.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.; Lauermann, M.; Weimann, C.; Hartmann, W.; Melikyan, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Palmer, R.; Alloatti, L.; Giesecke, A. L.; Wahlbrink, T.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration and photonic multi-chip systems: Technologies for high-speed optical interconnects
Optical Interconnects Conference (OI'16), Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa & Marina, San Diego, California, USA, May 9-11 , paper 7483033 (2016) [DOI] (invited) - Ramdane, A.; Panapakkam, V.; Gaimard, Q.; Merghem, K.; Aubin, G.; Chimot, N.; Lelarge, F.; Vujicic, V.; Anthur, A.; Zhou, R.; Barry, L. P.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Kemal, J. N.; Pfeifle, J.; Koos, C.
Frequency combs from InAs/InP quantum dash based mode-locked lasers for multi-terabit/s data transmission
International Conference Laser Optics (LO'2016), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 27 June - 1 July , paper R-310 (2016) [DOI] - Wolf, S.; Lauermann, M.; Hartmann, W.; Zwickel, H.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Koenigsmann, M.; Gruen, M.; Luo, J.; Jen, A. K. -Y.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
An Energy-Efficient 252 Gbit/s Silicon-Based IQ-Modulator
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'16), Anaheim (CA), USA, March 20–24 , paper Th3J.2. (2016) [DOI] - Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Blaicher, M.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Hofmann, A.; Troppenz, U.; Moehrle, M.; Lindenmann, N.; Thiel, M.; Simon, P.; Hoffmann, J.; Goedecke, M. L.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Multi-Chip Integration by Photonic Wire Bonding: Connecting Surface and Edge Emitting Lasers to Silicon Chips
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'16), Anaheim (CA), USA, March 20–24 , paper M2I.7 (2016) [DOI] - Hofmann, A.; Kroeger, M.; Ungerer, M.; Wondimu, S. F.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Wienhold, T.; Lauermann, M.; Kohler, D.; Koos, C.; Bretthauer, G.
Dosierplattform zur Deposition von optisch aktiven Medien für Anwendungen in der Photonik
MikroSystemTechnik-Kongress 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 26–28 , EDAS Paper-ID 1570106627 (2015) more - Dietrich, P.-I.; Wondimu, S. F.; Wienhold, T.; Steidle, M.; Hofmann, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Blaicher, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Herstellung mikrooptischer Komponenten durch Zwei-Photonen-Polymerisation
MikroSystemTechnik-Kongress 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 26–28 , EDAS Paper-ID 1570106799 (2015) more - Alloatti, L.; Kieninger, C.; Froelich, A.; Lauermann, M.; Frenzel, T.; Koehnle, K.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.; Wegener, M.
Second-harmonic generation from atomic-scale ABC-type laminate optical metamaterials (Presentation Recording)
SPIE 9544, Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2015, Oct. 5 , paper 95440Y (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Kohl, M.; Dalton, L. R.; Bogaerts, W.; Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Weimann, C.; Melikyan, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Billah, M. R.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Koeber, S.; Palmer, R.; Koehnle, K.; Alloatti, L.; Elder, D. L.; Giesecke, A. L.; Wahlbrink, T.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration and photonic multi-chip systems: Extending the capabilities of the silicon photonic platform
28th Annual Conf. of the IEEE Photonics Society (IPC'15), Reston (VA), USA, Oct. 4–8 , paper MF2.1 (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Hartmann, W.; Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Zwickel, H.; Kutuvantavida, Y.; Luo, J.; Jen, A. K. -Y.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
100 Gbit/s OOK Using a Silicon - Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator
41th European Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC'15), Valencia, Spain, Sept. 27 – Oct. 1 , paper PDP.1.4. (2015) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Kemal, J. N.; Pfeifle, J.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Gutierrez Pascual, M. D.; Wolf, S.; Smyth, F.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Parallel Multi-Wavelength Intradyne Reception Using an Optical Frequency Comb as a Local Oscillator
41th European Conf. Opt. Commun. (ECOC'15), Valencia, Spain, Sept. 27 – Oct. 1 , paper P.4.18. (2015) [DOI] - Alloatti, L.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Surface transfer doping in silicon waveguides: A cause of optical loss
12th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP'2015), Vancouver, Canada, 26-28 August, pp 33-34 , paper 7305940 (2015) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Dalton, L. R.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Kemal, J. N.; Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Shkarban, I.; Koeber, S.; Herr, T.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Elder, D. L.
Coherent Terabit Communications using Chip-scale Frequency Comb Sources
OSA Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Optics (NLO'15), Kauai, Hawaii, USA, July 26–31 , paper NTh2A.1 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Pfeifle, J.; Watts, R. T.; Shkarban, I.; Wolf, S.; Vujicic, V.; Landais, P.; Chimot, N.; Joshi, S.; Merghem, K.; Calo, C.; Weber, M.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Barry, L. P.; Koos, C.
Phase-noise compensated carriers from an optical frequency comb allowing terabit transmission
17th Intern. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'15), Budapest, Hungary, July 5–9 , paper Tu.B5.1 (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Kohl, M.; Dalton, L. R.; Bogaerts, W.; Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Melikyan, A.; Weimann, C.; Ronniger, G.; Geistert, K.; Schindler, P. C.; Elder, D. L.; Wahlbrink, T.; Bolten, J.; Giesecke, A. L.; Koenigsmann, M.; Kohler, M.; Malsam, D.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration for low-power and high-speed signal generation
17th Intern. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'15), Budapest, Hungary, July 5–9 , paper We.C5.1 (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Kohl, M.; Dalton, L. R.; Bogaerts, W.; Lauermann, M.; Melikyan, A.; Wolf, S.; Weimann, C.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Pfeifle, J.; Koeber, S.; Palmer, R.; Schindler, P. C.; Elder, D. L.
Silicon-organic (SOH) and plasmonic-organic (POH) hybrid integration: Extending the capabilities of silicon photonics and plasmonics
20th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC'15), Shanghai, China, June 28 – July 2 , paper JTuE.34 (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Wondimu, S. F.; Siegle, T.; Bog, U.; Kraemmer, S.; Kalt, H.; Mappes, T.; Koeber, S.; Wienhold, T.; Koos, C.
Vertically Stacked All Polymer Whispering Gallery Mode Lasers for Biosensing Applications
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper JW2A.78. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Melikyan, A.; Koehnle, K.; Lauermann, M.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Elder, D. L.; Wolf, S.; Heni, W.; Haffner, C.; Fedoryshyn, Y.; Hillerkuss, D.; Sommer, M.; Dalton, L. R.; Van Thourhout, D.; Freude, W.; Kohl, M.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Plasmonic-organic hybrid (POH) modulators for OOK and BPSK signaling at 40 Gbit/s
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper SM1I.1. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Bog, U.; Brinkmann, F.; Wondimu, S. F.; Wienhold, T.; Kraemmer, S.; Koos, C.; Kalt, H.; Koeber, S.; Mappes, T.; Hirtz, M.; Fuchs, H.
Phospholipid-functionalized microgoblet lasers for biomolecular detection
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper STu4K.4. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Muehlbrandt, S.; Melikyan, A.; Koehnle, K.; Harter, T.; Muslija, A.; Vincze, P.; Wolf, S.; Jakobs, P. -J.; Fedoryshyn, Y.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.; Kohl, M.
Plasmonic Internal Photoemission Detectors with Responsivities above 0.12 A/W
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper FTh3E.3 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Pfeifle, J.; Kordts, A.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Karpov, M.; Pfeiffer, M.; Brasch, V.; Rosenberger, R.; Kemal, J. N.; Wolf, S.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Full C and L-Band Transmission at 20 Tbit/s Using Cavity-Soliton Kerr Frequency Combs
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), Postdeadline Paper Digest, San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper JTh5C.8. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Wienhold, T.; Kraemmer, S.; Bacher, A.; Kalt, H.; Koos, C.; Koeber, S.; Mappes, T.
Free-Space Read-Out of WGM Lasers Using Circular Micromirrors
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper SF1H.6. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Billah, M. R.; Hoose, T.; Onanuga, T.; Lindenmann, N.; Dietrich, P.-I.; Wingert, T.; Goedecke, M. L.; Hofmann, A.; Troppenz, U.; Sigmund, A.; Moehrle, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Multi-Chip Integration of Lasers and Silicon Photonics by Photonic Wire Bonding
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper STu2F.2. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015) [DOI] - Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Wahlbrink, T.; Bolten, J.; Giesecke, A. L.; Koenigsmann, M.; Kohler, M.; Malsam, D.; Elder, D. L.; Dalton, L. R.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
High-speed and low-power silicon-organic hybrid modulators for advanced modulation formats
SPIE 9516 Integrated Optics: Physics and Simulations II, Prague, Czech Republic, April 13 - 16 , paper 951607 (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Schmeckebier, H.; Lingnau, B.; Koenig, S.; Ludge, K.; Meuer, C.; Zeghuzi, A.; Arsenijevic, D.; Stubenrauch, M.; Bonk, R.; Koos, C.; Schubert, C.; Pfeiffer, T.; Bimberg, D.
Ultra-Broadband Bidirectional Dual-Band Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'15), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 22 – 26 March , paper Tu3I.7. (2015) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Kohl, M.; Dalton, L. R.; Bogaerts, W.; Giesecke, A. L.; Lauermann, M.; Melikyan, A.; Koeber, S.; Wolf, S.; Weimann, C.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Koehnle, K.; Pfeifle, J.; Palmer, R.; Alloatti, L.; Elder, D. L.; Wahlbrink, T.; Bolten, J.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) and Plasmonic-Organic Hybrid (POH) Integration
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'15), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 22 – 26 March , paper Tu2A.1 (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Palmer, R.; Bielik, A.; Altenhain, L.; Lutz, J.; Schmid, R.; Wahlbrink, T.; Bolten, J.; Giesecke, A. L.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
64 GBd operation of a silicon-organic hybrid modulator at elevated temperature
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'15), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 22 – 26 March , paper Tu2A.5. (2015) [DOI] - Pfeifle, J.; Watts, R. T.; Shkarban, I.; Wolf, S.; Vujicic, V.; Landais, P.; Chimot, N.; Joshi, S.; Merghem, K.; Calo, C.; Weber, M.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Barry, L. P.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Simultaneous phase noise reduction of 30 comb lines from a quantum-dash mode-locked laser diode enabling coherent Tbit/s data transmission
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'15), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 22 – 26 March , paper Tu3I.5. (2015) [DOI] - Pfeifle, J.; Shkarban, I.; Wolf, S.; Kemal, J. N.; Weimann, C.; Hartmann, W.; Chimot, N.; Joshi, S.; Merghem, K.; Martinez, A.; Weber, M.; Ramdane, A.; Lelarge, F.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Coherent terabit communications using a quantum-dash mode-locked laser and self-homodyne detection
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'15), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 22 – 26 March , paper W2A.19. (2015) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Barry, L. P.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Lauermann, M.; Kemal, J. N.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Herr, T.; Brasch, V.; Watts, R. T.; Elder, D. L.
Terabit/s communications using chip-scale frequency comb sources
SPIE 9343, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVII (LASE-SPIE'15), San Francisco (CA), Feb. 7-12 , paper 9343-13 (2015) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Koenig, S.; Hillerkuss, D.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Kallfass, I.
RF photonic transmission beyond 100 Gbit/s
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP'14), Shanghai, China, November 11–14 , paper ATh1F.4 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Koenig, S.; Lopez-Diaz, D.; Antes, J.; Boes, F.; Henneberger, R.; Leuther, A.; Tessmann, A.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Palmer, R.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Ambacher, O.; Leuthold, J.; Kallfass, I.
Wireless sub-THz communication system with high data rate enabled by RF photonics and active MMIC technology
Photonics Conference (IPC'14), IEEE, pp 414-415 , paper 6995424, San Diego (CA), USA, October 12–16 (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Koehnle, K.; Lauermann, M.; Bacher, A.; Nees, M. -K.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Palmer, R.; Muslija, A.; Jakobs, P. -J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid Phase Modulator Based on Sub-Wavelength Grating Waveguides
Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE2014), Lausanne, Switzerland, September 22-26 , Paper 8127, Session: D2L-B (2014) - Haffner, C.; Heni, W.; Fedoryshyn, Y.; Elder, D. L.; Melikyan, A.; Baeuerle, B.; Niegemann, J.; Emboras, A.; Josten, A.; Ducry, F.; Kohl, M.; Dalton, L. R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Hafner, C.; Leuthold, J.
High-speed plasmonic Mach-Zehnder modulator in a waveguide
2014 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), pp. 1-3 , paper 6964271, Sept (2014) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Leuthold, J.; Dalton, L. R.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Lauermann, M.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Wolf, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Brasch, V.; Elder, D. L.
Terabit/s optical transmission using chip-scale frequency comb sources
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Cannes, France, September 21–25 , paper Mo.3.4.5. (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Schindler, P. C.; Lauermann, M.; Wolf, S.; Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Heni, W.; Ludwig, A.; Schmogrow, R.; Elder, D. L.; Dalton, L. R.; Bogaerts, W.; Yu, H.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Ultra-short silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulator for bidirectional polarization-independent operation
Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014 European Conference on , paper Mo.4.5.5., Cannes, France, September 21–25 (2014) [DOI] - Schindler, P. C.; Agmon, A.; Wolf, S.; Bonk, R.; Meder, L.; Meltsin, M.; Ludwig, A.; Becker, J.; Nazarathy, M.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Pfeiffer, T.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Ultra-dense, single-wavelength DFT-spread OFDM PON with laserless 1 Gb/s ONU at only 300 MBd per spectral group
Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014 European Conference on , paper We.1.6.5., Cannes, France, September 21–25 (2014) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Melikyan, A.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Lauermann, M.; Schindler, P. C.; Chen, B.; Dinu, R.; Elder, D. L.; Dalton, L. R.; Koos, C.; Kohl, M.; Freude, W.; Hafner, C.
From silicon-organic hybrid to plasmonic modulation
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Cannes, France, September 21–25, pp 1-3 , paper 6964245 (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Wolf, S.; Lauermann, M.; Ronniger, G.; Schindler, P. C.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Bogaerts, W.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
DAC-less and amplifier-less generation and transmission of 16QAM signals using a sub-volt silicon photonic modulator
European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014 , PD 4.5., Cannes, France, September 21–25 (2014) [DOI] - Lauermann, M.; Schindler, P. C.; Wolf, S.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Korn, D.; Alloatti, L.; Wahlbrink, T.; Bolten, J.; Waldow, M.; Koenigsmann, M.; Kohler, M.; Malsam, D.; Elder, D. L.; Johnston, P. V.; Phillips-Sylvain, N.; Sullivan, P. A.; Dalton, L. R.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
40 GBd 16QAM modulation at 160 Gbit/s in a silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulator
Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014 European Conference on , paper We.3.1.3., Cannes, France, September 21–25 (2014) [DOI] - Wolf, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Ronniger, G.; Lauermann, M.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Korn, D.; Bogaerts, W.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
10 GBd SOH modulator directly driven by an FPGA without electrical amplification
Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014 European Conference on , paper Mo.4.5.4., Cannes, France, September 21–25 (2014) [DOI] - Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Woessner, M.; Heni, W.; Elder, D. L.; Korn, D.; Weimann, C.; Schindler, P. C.; Bekele, D.; Alloatti, L.; Bogaerts, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Progress in silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration
Group IV Photonics (GFP'14), IEEE 11th International Conference on; Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, Paris, France, Aug. 27–29, pp 110-111 , paper 6961951 (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Xing, Y.; Ako, T.; George, J. P.; Korn, D.; Yu, H.; Verheyen, P.; Pantouvaki, M.; Lepage, G.; Absil, P.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Beeckman, J.; Bogaerts, W.
Direct digital control of an efficient silicon+liquid crystal phase shifter
Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on, Paris, France, 27-29 Aug., pp 34-44 , paper 6962029 (2014) [DOI] - Hoeller, F.; Schleitzer, Y.; Alvarez-Diez, C.; Spruck, B; Weimann, C.; Koos, C.; Boeck, G.
Measurement of Length and Position with Frequency Combs
23rd Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 26-29 (2014) (invited) - Koos, C.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Pfeifle, J.; Herr, T.; Weimann, C.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Lauermann, M.; Elder, D. L.
Chip-scale frequency comb sources for terabit communications
URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS'14), Beijing, China, August 16–23 , paper 6929385 (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Ludwig, A.; Schulz, M.-L.; Schindler, P. C.; Kuder, K.; Wolf, S.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Stacking Modulation Formats for Highest-Sensitivity
Photonic Networks and Devices (NETWORKS'14), San Diego (CA), USA, July 13–17 , paper JM2B.2 Optical Society of America (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Melikyan, A.; Alloatti, L.; Muslija, A.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Li, J.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Lindenmann, N.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Walheim, S.; Vincze, P.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Thourhout, D. V.; Chen, B.; Dinu, R.; Sommer, M.; Hahn, H.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Kohl, M.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
High-speed Plasmonic Modulators
Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR'14), San Diego, California United States, July 13-17 , paper IT2A.6 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Koenig, S.; Lopez-Diaz, D.; Antes, J.; Boes, F.; Henneberger, R.; Leuther, A.; Tessmann, A.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Palmer, R.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.; Ambacher, O.; Leuthold, J.; Kallfass, I.
Wireless communications on THz carriers takes shape
Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2014 16th International Conference on , paper We.D2.1, Graz, Austria, July (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Koeber, S.; Palmer, R.; Weimann, C.; Elder, D. L.; Heni, W.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Wolf, S.; Bekele, D.; Woessner, M.; Alloatti, L.; Schindler, P. C.; Koenig, S.
Femtojoule modulation and frequency comb generation in silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) devices
Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2014 16th International Conference on , paper We.C2.1, Graz, Austria, July (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Emboras, A.; Hoessbacher, C.; Fedoryshyn, Y.; Ma, P.; Haffner, C.; Melikyan, A.; Kohl, M.; Hafner, C.; Leuthold, J.
CMOS Plasmonic Modulators
OptoElectronics and Communication Conference and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (OECC/ACOFT'2014 ), Melbourne, Australia , paper WE9E-4 (2014) (invited) - Lauermann, M.; Weimann, C.; Palmer, R.; Schindler, P. C.; Koeber, S.; Rembe, C.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Integrated nanophotonic frequency shifter on the silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) platform for laser vibrometry
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1600, 11th International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Noncontact Techniques (AIVELA'14), Ancona, Italy, June 25–27, pp 426-430 , paper 4879612 (2014) [DOI] - Liu, X.; Lebedkin, S.; Pfleging, W.; Besser, H.; Wissmann, M.; Nazarenko, I.; Mappes, T.; Koeber, S.; Koos, C.; Kappes, M.; Lemmer, U.
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) using nanopillar arrays as functional substrates and an organic semiconductor DFB laser as excitation source
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'14), San Jose (CA), USA, June 8–13 , paper STh4H.8 Optical Society of America, June (2014) [DOI] more - Schneider, S.; Lauermann, M.; Weimann, C.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Silicon Photonic Optical Coherence Tomography System
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'14), Symposium on Novel Light Sources and Photonic Devices in Optical Imaging I, San Jose (CA), USA, June 8–13 , paper ATu2P.4 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] - Weimann, C.; Lauermann, M.; Fehrenbach, T.; Palmer, R.; Hoeller, F.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuit for Fast Distance Measurement with Frequency Combs
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'14), San Jose (CA), USA, June 8–13 , paper STh4O.3 Optical Society of America (2014) [DOI] - Hoessbacher, C.; Fedoryshyn, Y.; Emboras, A.; Hillerkuss, D.; Melikyan, A.; Kohl, M.; Sommer, M.; Hafner, C.; Leuthold, J.
Latching Plasmonic Switch with High Extinction Ratio
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'14), San Jose (CA), USA, June 8–13 , paper FTu3K.6 Optical Society of America (2014) [DOI] - Vujicic, V.; Pfeifle, J.; Watts, R. T.; Schindler, P. C.; Weimann, C.; Zhou, R.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Barry, L. P.
Flexible Terabit/s Nyquist-WDM Superchannels with net SE > 7bit/s/Hz using a Gain-Switched Comb Source
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'14), San Jose (CA), USA, June 8–13 , paper SW1J.3 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] - Nesic, A.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Korn, D.; Koenig, S.; Elder, D. L.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Demonstration of Difference Frequency Generation in a Silicon Slot Waveguide
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'14), San Jose (CA), USA, June 8–13 , STh1I.2 Optical Society of America (2014) [DOI] - Lauermann, M.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Korn, D.; Wahlbrink, T.; Bolten, J.; Waldow, M.; Elder, D. L.; Dalton, L. R.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
16QAM Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator Operating with 0.6 Vpp and 19 fJ/bit at 112 Gbit/s
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'14), San Jose (CA), USA, June 8–13 , SM2G.6 Optical Society of America (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Lindenmann, N.; Dottermusch, S.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.; Koeber, S.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Connecting silicon photonic circuits to multi-core fibers by photonic wire bonding
Optical Interconnects Conference (OI'14), Loews Coronado Bay, Coronado, California, USA, , 131-132 IEEE, May 4-7 (2014) [DOI] - Liu, X.; Lebedkin, S.; Mappes, T.; Koeber, S.; Koos, C.; Kappes, M.; Lemmer, U.
Organic semiconductor distributed feedback laser as excitation source in Raman spectroscopy using free-beam and fibre coupling
Proc. SPIE 9137, Organic Photonics VI, 91370Y, Brussels, Belgium, April 14 , paper 91370Y (2014) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.
Three-dimensional two-photon lithography: an enabling technology for photonic wire bonding and multi-chip integration
SPIE 8970 (LASE-SPIE'14), Laser 3D Manufacturing, March , paper 897008 (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Woessner, M.; Elder, D. L.; Heni, W.; Korn, D.; Yu, H.; Lauermann, M.; Bogaerts, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
High-Speed Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulators with 230 pm/V Electro-Optic Coefficient Using Advanced Materials
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'14), San Francisco (CA), USA , paper M3G.4 Optical Society of America (OSA), Mar (2014) [DOI] - Pfeifle, J.; Yu, Y.; Schindler, P. C.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Weimann, C.; Hartinger, K.; Holzwarth, R.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Transmission of a 1.44 Tbit/s Data Stream using a Feedback-Stabilized SiN Kerr Frequency Comb Source
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'14), San Francisco (CA), USA, March 9-13 , paper Th1A.6 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] - Lauermann, M.; Weimann, C.; Knopf, A.; Elder, D. L.; Heni, W.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Koeber, S.; Alloatti, L.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Rembe, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Integrated Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Frequency Shifter
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'14), San Francisco (CA), USA, March 9-13 , paper Tu2A.1 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] - Weimann, C.; Schindler, P. C.; Bekele, D.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Koeber, S.; Schmogrow, R.; Alloatti, L.; Elder, D. L.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Data Transmission at Terabit/s Data Rates Using Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Frequency Combs
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'14), San Francisco (CA), USA, March 9-13 , paper Th4I.2 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2014) [DOI] - Fratz, M.; Weimann, C.; Wolfelschneider, H.; Koos, C.; Hofler, H.
Absolutely referenced distance measurement by combination of time-of-flight and digital holographic methods
Optoelectronics and Photonics Conference (OPTO-SPIE'14), Photonic Instrumentation Engineering, March , paper 89920O (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Schmogrow, R.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Becker, J.
An ultra-high speed OFDMA system for optical access networks
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2014, pp 889-894 , paper 6785455, Feb (2014) [DOI] - Schmogrow, R.; Schindler, P. C.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Pulse-shaping for spectrally-efficient coherent optical networks: OFDM, Nyquist signaling, and DFT-spread OFDM
Proc. SPIE 9009 (OPTO-SPIE'14), Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems III 9009, paper 900909, Feb. 1 (2014) [DOI] (invited) - Muehlbrandt, S.; Muslija, A.; Koehnle, K.; Melikyan, A.; Leuthold, J.; Kohl, M.
Fabrication of Ultra-Compact Plasmonic Waveguide Photo Diodes
Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE'2014 ), Lausanne, Switzerland , paper 8274 (2014) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Lauermann, M.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Baets, R.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Dinu, R.; Bolten, J.; Wahlbrink, T.; Waldow, M.
Silicon-organic hybrid integration and photonic wire bonding: Enabling technologies for heterogeneous photonic systems
Frontiers in Optics (FiO'13), Orlando (FL), USA, October 05–10 , paper FTu1E.3 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Lauermann, M.; Melikyan, A.; Palmer, R.; Pfeifle, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Weimann, C.; Dinu, R.; Bolten, J.; Wahlbrink, T.; Waldow, M.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Holzwarth, R.; Hartinger, K.; Stamatiadis, C.; O'Keefe, M.; Stampoulidis, L.; Zimmermann, L.; Baets, R.; Schimmel, T.; Tomkos, I.; Petermann, K.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Nonlinear Nano-Photonics
Frontiers in Optics (FiO'13), Orlando (FL), USA, Oct. 05-10 , paper FTu4C.6 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Heni, W.; Elder, D. L.; Korn, D.; Yu, H.; Alloatti, L.; Koenig, S.; Schindler, P. C.; Bogaerts, W.; Pantouvaki, M.; Lepage, G.; Verheyen, P.; Van Campenhout, J.; Absil, P.; Baets, R.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
High-speed silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulator with 1.6 fJ/bit and 180 pm/V in-device nonlinearity
39th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2013), September 22-26 , paper We.3.B.3, London, UK, Sept (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Weimann, C.; Wolf, S.; Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Schmogrow, R.; Schindler, P. C.; Alloatti, L.; Ludwig, A.; Heni, W.; Bekele, D.; Elder, D. L.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dalton, L. R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) frequency comb source for data transmission at 784 Gbit/s
39th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2013), September 22-26 , paper Th.2.B.1, London, UK, Sept (2013) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Lauermann, M.; Nesic, A.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoose, T.; Billah, M. R.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration, photonic wire bonding, and frequency combs: Technologies for multi-terabit/s interconnects
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop iNOW-2013, Cargèse, France, August 19-30 , paper 7483033 (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Schindler, P. C.; Lauermann, M.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) technology: A platform for efficient electro-optical devices
International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), 2013, August 18-22, pp 85-86 , paper 6659071, Kanazawa; Japan, Aug (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoose, T.; Hubner, P.; Billah, M. R.
Photonic wire bonding: An enabling technology for heterogeneous multi-chip integration
Advanced Photonics 2013: Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR'13), July 14–17 , paper IM4A.3 Optical Society of America (OSA), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.
Nyquist Pulse Shaping in Optical Communications
Advanced Photonics 2013: Photonic Networks and Devices (NETWORKS'13), July 14-17 , paper NW3C.1 Optical Society of America, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico United States (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Ludwig, A.; Schulz, M.-L.; Schindler, P. C.; Schmogrow, R.; Mustafa, A.; Moos, B.; Brunsch, S.; Dippon, T.; Malsam, D.; Hillerkuss, D.; Roos, F.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Stacking PS-QPSK and 64PPM for Long-Range Free-Space Transmission
Advanced Photonics 2013: Photonic Networks and Devices (NETWORKS'13), July 14-17 , paper NW2C.2 Optical Society of America, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico United States (2013) [DOI] - Zimmermann, L.; Lischke, S.; Fedderwitz, S.; Brast, T.; Steffan, A. G.; O'Keefe, M.; Petousi, D.; Stamatiadis, C.; Voigt, K.; Battista Preve, G.; Lazarou, I.; Avramopoulos, H.; Korn, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Nogueira, R.; Roccato, D.; Kehayas, E.; Stampoulidis, L.
Mixed technology platform for terabit optical Ethernet applications
6th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), 2013, July 06-09, pp 149-150 , paper 6621539, Hsinchu, July (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Kroh, M.; O'Keefe, M.; Voigt, K.; Fedderwitz, S.; Battista Preve, G.; Lischke, S.; Brast, T.; Petousi, D.; Stamatiadis, C.; Kehayas, E.; Nogueira, R.; Korn, D.; Roccato, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Lazarou, I.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Avramopoulos, H.; Steffan, A. G.; Stampoulidis, L.; Zimmermann, L.
Photonic - Electronic platform for next generation optical transport network
15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2013, June 23-27, pp 1-5 , paper 6602974, Cartagena, Spain, June (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Schmogrow, R.; Schindler, P. C.; Wolf, S.; Nebendahl, B.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Polarisation demultiplexing in coherent receivers with real-time digital signal processing
15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2013, June 23-27 , Paper Tu.B1.1, Cartagena, Spain, June (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoose, T.; Hubner, P.
Photonic wire bonding: Nanophotonic interconnects fabricated by direct-write 3D lithography
15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2013, June 23-27 , paper We.C2.4, Cartagena, Spain, June (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Lauermann, M.; Dinu, R.; Wehrli, S.; Jazbinsek, M.; Guenter, P.; Waldow, M.; Wahlbrink, T.; Bolten, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Bogaerts, W.; Yu, H.
High-speed, low-power optical modulators in silicon
15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2013, June 23-27, pp 1-4 , paper 6603001, Cartagena, Spain, June (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Melikyan, A.; Alloatti, L.; Muslija, A.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Li, J.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Thourhout, D. V.; Chen, B.; Dinu, R.; Sommer, M.; Koos, C.; Kohl, M.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Surface Plasmon Polariton High-Speed Modulator
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'13), San Jose (CA), USA, June 9–14 , paper CTh5D.2 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Weimann, C.; Meier, D.; Wolf, S.; Schleitzer, Y.; Totzeck, M.; Heinrich, A.; Hoeller, F.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Fast high-precision distance measurements on scattering technical surfaces using frequency combs
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'13), San Jose (CA), USA, June 9–14 , CTu2I.3 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] - Schneider, S.; Kramer, A.; Eppler, F.; Alemye, H.; Hubner, C.; Mikonsaari, I.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Polarization-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography for Characterization of Size and Shape of Nano-Particles
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'13), San Jose (CA), USA, June 9–14 , AF1J.4 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] - Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Yu, H.; Schindler, P. C.; Alloatti, L.; Baier, M.; Schmogrow, R.; Bogaerts, W.; Selvaraja, S. K.; Lepage, G.; Pantouvaki, M.; Wouters, J.; Verheyen, P.; Van Campenhout, J.; Absil, P.; Baets, R.; Dinu, R.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) IQ modulator for 16QAM at 112 Gbit/s
Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/IQEC), 2013 Conference on and International Quantum Electronics Conference, May 12-16, pp 1-1 , paper 6801453, May (2013) [DOI] - Nebendahl, B.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Hubner, M.; Schmogrow, R.; Josten, A.; Hillerkuss, D.; Koenig, S.; Winter, M.; Meyer, J.; Dreschmann, M.
EVM as new quality metric for optical modulation analysis
Electronics, Communications and Photonics Conference (SIECPC), 2013 Saudi International, April 27-30, 1-4 , paper 6551002, April (2013) [DOI] - Korn, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Stamatiadis, C.; O'Keefe, M.; Stampoulidis, L.; Schmogrow, R.; Zakynthinos, P.; Palmer, R.; Cameron, N.; Zhou, Y.; Walker, R. G.; Kehayas, E.; Tomkos, I.; Zimmermann, L.; Petermann, K.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
First Monolithic GaAs IQ Electro-optic Modulator, Demonstrated at 150 Gbit/s with 64-QAM
Optical Fiber Communication Conference/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2013, March 17-21 , paper PDP5C.4 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Koenig, S.; Boes, F.; Lopez-Diaz, D.; Antes, J.; Henneberger, R.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Palmer, R.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Ambacher, O.; Kallfass, I.; Leuthold, J.
100 Gbit/s Wireless Link with mm-Wave Photonics
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'13), Los Angeles, Anaheim (CA), USA, March 17–21 , paper PDP5B.4 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Agmon, A.; Nazarathy, M.; Marom, D. M.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Tolmachev, A.; Killey, R.; Bayvel, P.; Meder, L.; Hubner, M.; Meredith, W.; Vickers, G.; Schindler, P. C.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Bi-directional Ultra-dense Polarization-muxed/diverse OFDM/WDM PON with Laserless Colorless 1Gb/s ONUs Based on Si PICs and <417 MHz Mixed-Signal ICs
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'13), Los Angeles, Anaheim (CA), USA, March 17–21 , OTh3A.6 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] - Schmogrow, R.; Meyer, M.; Schindler, P. C.; Josten, A.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
252 Gbit/s Real-Time Nyquist Pulse Generation by Reducing the Oversampling Factor to 1.33
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'13), Los Angeles, Anaheim (CA), USA, March 17–21 , OTu2I.1 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] - Koenig, S.; Bonk, R.; Schmogrow, R.; Josten, A.; Karnick, D.; Schmuck, H.; Poehlmann, W.; Pfeiffer, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Cascade of 4 SOAs with 448 Gbit/s (224 Gbit/s) Dual Channel Dual Polarization 16QAM (QPSK) for High-Capacity Business Paths in Converged Metro-Access Networks
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'13), Los Angeles, Anaheim (CA), USA, March 17–21 , OTh4A.3 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] - Schindler, P. C.; Schmogrow, R.; Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Hillerkuss, D.; Tomkos, I.; Prat, J.; Krimmel, H.-G.; Pfeiffer, T.; Kourtessis, P.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Flexible WDM-PON with Nyquist-FDM and 31.25 Gbit/s per Wavelength Channel Using Colorless, Low-Speed ONUs
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'13), Los Angeles, Anaheim (CA), USA, March 17–21 , OW1A.5 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] - Palmer, R.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Schindler, P. C.; Schmogrow, R.; Baier, M.; Koenig, S.; Hillerkuss, D.; Bolten, J.; Wahlbrink, T.; Waldow, M.; Dinu, R.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Modulator Generating up to 84 Gbit/s BPSK and M-ASK Signals
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'13), Los Angeles, Anaheim (CA), USA, March 17–21 , OW4J.6 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] - Pfeifle, J.; Lauermann, M.; Wegner, D.; Li, J.; Hartinger, K.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Schimmel, T.; Holzwarth, R.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Microresonator-Based Frequency Comb Generator as Optical Source for Coherent WDM Transmission
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'13), Los Angeles, Anaheim (CA), USA, March 17–21 , OW3C.2 Optical Society of America (2013) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Hartinger, K.; Brasch, V.; Herr, T.; Holzwarth, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.
Terabit/s data transmission using optical frequency combs
Proc. SPIE 8600, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XV, 860009; San Francisco (CA), USA, February 22 , paper 8629-24 (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Palmer, R.; Koeber, S.; Baier, M.; Schmogrow, R.; Diebold, S.; Pahl, K. P.; Zwick, T.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Baets, R.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Dinu, R.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon-organic hybrid devices
Proc. SPIE, Silicon Photonics VIII, 86290P; San Francisco (CA), USA, Feb. 2-7 , Paper 8629-24 (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Lindenmann, N.; Koeber, S.; Balthasar, G.; Hoffmann, J.; Hoose, T.; Hubner, P.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.
Photonic wire bonding: connecting nanophotonic circuits across chip boundaries
Proc. SPIE, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics VI, 86130W; San Francisco (CA), USA; Feb. 2-7 8613, Paper 8613-31 (2013) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.
Ultracompact CMOS-compatible Modulators
Optical Society of America Annual Meeting (OSA'12): Frontiers in Optics (FiO'12), Rochester (NY), USA, October , FTu4A.1 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Melikyan, A.; Korn, D.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.
Ultracompact CMOS-compatible Modulators
Frontiers in Optics 2012/Laser Science XXVIII, Oct 14-18 , paper FTu4A.1 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Pfeifle, J.; Lauermann, M.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid - a path towards active silicon photonic devices
EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2012), September 25-28 , paper 6441 (2012) - O'Duill, S.; Marazzi, L.; Parolari, P.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Modulation Cancellation Properties of Reflective SOAs
38th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC'12), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sept 16–20 , We.2.E.1 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] - Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Meyer, M.; Wolf, S.; Jordan, M.; Kleinow, P.; Lindenmann, N.; Schindler, P. C.; Melikyan, A.; Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Single-laser 32.5 Tbit/s Nyquist-WDM
International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS'12), Ajaccio (Corsica), France, 11-14 September , paper 381468 (2012) more (invited) - Korn, D.; Alloatti, L.; Lauermann, M.; Pfeifle, J.; Palmer, R.; Schindler, P. C.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Komorowska, K.; Baets, R.; Van Campenhout, J.; Verheyen, P.; Wouters, J.; Moelants, M.; Absil, P.; Secchi, A.; Dispenza, M.; Jazbinsek, M.; Guenter, P.; Wehrli, S.; Bossard, M.; Zakynthinos, P.; Tomkos, I.
Silicon-organic hybrid fabrication platform for integrated circuits
14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July 02-05, pp 1-4 , paper 6254470, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, July (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Schmogrow, R.; Nebendahl, B.; Winter, M.; Josten, A.; Hillerkuss, D.; Koenig, S.; Meyer, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Hubner, M.; Koos, C.; Becker, J.; Leuthold, J.
Quality metrics for optical signals: Eye diagram, Q-factor, OSNR, EVM and BER
14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July 02-05, pp 1-4 , paper 6254380, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, July (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Mishra, A. K.; Wang, Z.; Klein, H.; Bonk, R.; Koenig, S.; Karnick, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Moehrle, M.; Pfeiffer, T.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
Performance analysis of an OFDM transmission system with directly modulated lasers for wireless backhauling
14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July 02-05, pp 1-4 , paper 6254423, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, July (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.
Super channels based on Nyquist multiplexing
17th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), July 02-06 , 30-32, Paper 3B1-2, Busan, Korea, July (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Melikyan, A.; Sommer, M.; Muslija, A.; Kohl, M.; Muehlbrandt, S.; Mishra, A. K.; Calzadilla, V.; Justo, Y.; Martinez-Pastor, J. P.; Tomkos, I.; Scandurra, A.; Van Thourhout, D.; Hens, Z.; Smit, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Chip-to-chip plasmonic interconnects and the activities of EU project NAVOLCHI
14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2012, July 02-05, pp 1-3 , paper 6254466, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, July (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.
OFDM and Nyquist Multiplexing: Tbit/s Capacities and Spectral Efficiencies up to 18 bit/s/Hz
Advanced Photonics Congress, Signal Processing in Photonic Communications (SPPCom), Colorado Springs, June 19-21 , SpTu1A.4 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Schindler, P. C.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Nazarathy, M.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Remote Heterodyne Reception of OFDM-QPSK as Downlink-Solution for Future Access Networks
Conference on Access Networks and In-house Communications (ANIC'12), Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, June 17-21 , AW4A.3 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] - Lauermann, M.; Korn, D.; Appel, P.; Alloatti, L.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Lasers at Telecommunication Wavelengths
Advanced Photonics Congress: Conference on Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano-Photonics (IPR'12), June 17-20 , paper IM3A.3 Optical Society of America (OSA), Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA (2012) [DOI] - Schmogrow, R.; Baeuerle, B.; Hillerkuss, D.; Nebendahl, B.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Raised-Cosine OFDM for Enhanced Out-of-Band Suppression at Low Subcarrier Counts
Conference on Signal Processing in Photonics Communications (SPPCom'12), Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, June 17-21 , SpTu2A.2 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] - Lindenmann, N.; Balthasar, G.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Broadband low-loss interconnects enabled by photonic wire bonding
Optical Interconnects Conference (OI'12), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, May 20-23 , 125-126, Paper WC1 IEEE, May (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Schmogrow, R.; Wolf, S.; Baeuerle, B.; Hillerkuss, D.; Nebendahl, B.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Nyquist Frequency Division Multiplexing for Optical Communications
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2012), May 08-12 , CTh1H.2 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Korn, D.; Lauermann, M.; Appel, P.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
First Silicon-Organic Hybrid Laser at Telecommunication Wavelength
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'12), May 8–11 , paper CTu2I.1 Optical Society of America, San Jose (CA), USA (2012) [DOI] - Korn, D.; Yu, H.; Hillerkuss, D.; Alloatti, L.; Mattern, C.; Bogaerts, W.; Komorowska, K.; Baets, R.; Campenhout, J. V.; Verheyen, P.; Wouters, J.; Moelants, M.; Absil, P.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Detection or Modulation at 35 Gbit/s with a Standard CMOS-processed Optical Waveguide
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'12), San Jose (CA), USA, May 8–11 , CTu1A.1 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] - Palmer, R.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Heni, W.; Schindler, P. C.; Bolten, J.; Karl, M.; Waldow, M.; Wahlbrink, T.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Highly Efficient Strip-to-Slot Mode Converters
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'12), 2012, May 08-11 , paper CM4M.1 Optical Society of America (OSA), San José (CA), USA (2012) [DOI] - Schmogrow, R.; Bouziane, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Milder, P. A.; Koutsoyannis, R. J.; Killey, R.; Benlachtar, Y.; Watts, P.; Bayvel, P.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
85.4 Gbit/s Real-Time OFDM Signal Generation with Transmission over 400 km and Preamble-less Reception
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'12), San Jose (CA), USA, May 8–11 , CTh1H.4 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Korn, D.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.
All-Optical Processing SOH – the Next Generation Material
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 04–08, Workshop OSu1C on "All-optical Signal Processing: Next-generation Materials" (2012) - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Brosi, J.-M.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.
All-Optical Processing For Next Generation Multi-Carrier Systems
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 04–08, Workshop OM1C on "All-optical Signal Processing: Next-generation Applications" (2012) - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Nonlinear optics in telecommunications
Proc. SPIE Photonics Europe; Nonlinear Optics and Applications, Brussels, Belgium, April 16 , paper 8434-31 (2012) (invited) - Freude, W.; Alloatti, L.; Melikyan, A.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Lindenmann, N.; Vallaitis, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Walheim, S.; Leufke, P. M.; Ulrich, S.; Ye, J.; Vincze, P.; Hahn, H.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Breiten, B.; Diederich, F.; Beels, M. T.; Biaggio, I.; Schimmel, T.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Nonlinear Optics on the Silicon Platform
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 06-10 , OTh3H.6 Optical Society of America (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Koenig, S.; Antes, J.; Lopez-Diaz, D.; Kallfass, I.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
High-Speed Wireless Bridge at 220 GHz Connecting Two Fiber-Optic Links Each Spanning up to 20 km
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 2012 March 06-10 , paper OM2B.1 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2012) [DOI] - Schmogrow, R.; Meyer, M.; Wolf, S.; Nebendahl, B.; Hillerkuss, D.; Baeuerle, B.; Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
150 Gbit/s Real-Time Nyquist Pulse Transmission Over 150 km SSMF Enhanced by DSP with Dynamic Precision
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 06-10 , paper OM2A.6 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2012) [DOI] - Alloatti, L.; Pfeifle, J.; Mendez, J.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Liquid Crystal Phase Shifter on the SOH Platform with Ultra-Low Power Consumption
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 2012 March 06-10 , paper OTu1I.5 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2012) [DOI] - Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Komorowska, K.; Baets, R.; Korn, D.; Alloatti, L.; Hillerkuss, D.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Campenhout, J. V.; Verheyen, P.; Wouters, J.; Moelants, M.; Absil, P.
Doping Geometries for 40G Carrier-Depletion-Based Silicon Optical Modulators
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 2012, March 6-10 , paper OW4F.4 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2012) [DOI] - Lindenmann, N.; Balthasar, G.; Jordan, M.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Low-Loss Photonic Wire Bond Interconnects Enabling 5 TBit/s Data Transmission
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 2012, March 06-10 , paper OW4I.4 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2012) [DOI] - Pfeifle, J.; Weimann, C.; Bach, F.; Riemensberger, J.; Hartinger, K.; Hillerkuss, D.; Jordan, M.; Holzwarth, R.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Microresonator-Based Optical Frequency Combs for High-Bitrate WDM Data Transmission
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 2012, March 06-10 , paper OW1C.4 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2012) [DOI] - Melikyan, A.; Gaertner, C.; Koehnle, K.; Muslija, A.; Sommer, M.; Kohl, M.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Integrated Wire Grid Polarizer and Plasmonic Polarization Beam Splitter
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'12), Los Angeles (CA), USA, 2012 March 09-10 , paper OW1E.3 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2012) [DOI] - Schindler, P. C.; Fischer, H.; Haisch, H.; Lindenmann, N.; Alloatti, L.; Palmer, R.; Korn, D.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Gerster, A.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Optical Technologies for Off-Chip and On-Chip Interconnects
DesignCon 2012, Santa Clara (CA), USA, CA 1/31/2012, January/February , paper TP5 (2012) more - Freude, W.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Meyer, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Nebendahl, B.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Reconfigurable optical transmitters and receivers
OPTO SPIE Photonics West (OPTO-SPIE'12), San Francisco (CA), USA, January 21-26 8284, Paper 8284-09 (2012) [DOI] (invited) - Saynatjoki, A.; Karvonen, L.; Alasaarela, T.; Korn, D.; Alloatti, L.; Tervonen, A.; Palmer, R.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Honkanen, S.
Loss reduction of silicon slot waveguides with ALD grown thin films
OPTO SPIE Photonics West (OPTO-SPIE'12), San Francisco (CA), USA, Jan. 21-26 8266, paper 82660D (2012) [DOI] - Lindenmann, N.; Balthasar, G.; Palmer, R.; Schuele, S.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.
Photonic wire bonding for single-mode chip-to-chip interconnects
8th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP'11) , paper FD2, London, UK, Sept (2011) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Vallaitis, T.; Bonk, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Bogaerts, W.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Scimeca, M. L.; Biaggio, I.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon nanophotonics and silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration
XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS'11), pp 1-4 , paper 6050595, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug (2011) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Schmogrow, R.; Nebendahl, B.; Hillerkuss, D.; Meyer, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Software-defined optical transmission
13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'11) , paper Tu.D1.1, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2011) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Melikyan, A.; Lindenmann, N.
A surface plasmon polariton absorption modulator
13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'11) , paper Mo.B2.2, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2011) [DOI] - Mishra, A. K.; Nellas, I.; Tomkos, I.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Comb generator for 100 Gbit/s OFDM and low-loss comb-line combiner using the optical inverse fourier transform (IFFT)
13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'11) , paper We.A1.4, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2011) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Brosi, J.-M.
Slotted Photonic Crystal Slow Light Modulators
Advanced Photonics: Conference on Slow and Fast Light (SL'11) , paper JTuA3 Optical Society of America (OSA), Toronto, Canada (2011) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Yu, H.; Bogaerts, W.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Electro-Optical Devices
Advanced Photonics, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, Toronto Canada, June , IWF1 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Schmogrow, R.; Winter, M.; Meyer, M.; Hillerkuss, D.; Nebendahl, B.; Meyer, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Real-Time Nyquist Pulse Modulation Transmitter Generating Rectangular Shaped Spectra of 112 Gbit/s 16QAM Signals
Advanced Photonics: Conference on Signal Processing in Photonics Communications (SPPCom'11) , paper SPMA5 Optical Society of America (OSA), Toronto, Canada (2011) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.; Ben-Ezra, S.
Terabit/s Super-Channels Based on OFDM
Advanced Photonics: Conference on Signal Processing in Photonics Communications (SPPCom'11) , paper SPMB1 Optical Society of America (OSA), Toronto, Canada, June 12–15 (2011) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Bonk, R.; Koenig, S.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schmogrow, R.
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers in Extended Reach PONs
Advanced Photonics, Access Networks and In-house Communications, Toronto Canada, June , paper ATuA1 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2011) [DOI] - Freude, W.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schellinger, T.; Schmogrow, R.; Winter, M.; Vallaitis, T.; Bonk, R.; Marculescu, A.; Li, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Caspi, M.; Nebendahl, B.; Parmigiani, F.; Petropoulos, P.; Resan, B.; Oehler, A.; Weingarten, K.; Ellermeyer, T.; Lutz, J.; Moller, M.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
All-optical Real-time OFDM Transmitter and Receiver
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/IQEC'11), Baltimore (MD), May 1–6 , CThO1 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Palmer, R.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Moosmann, M.; Huska, K.; Lemmer, U.; Gerthsen, D.; Schimmel, T.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Smooth and ultra-precise silicon nanowires fabricated by conventional optical lithography
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/IQEC'11), Baltimore (MD), May 1–6 , CThZ1 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Li, J.; Schmidt-Langhorst, C.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Lauermann, M.; Winter, M.; Worms, K.; Schubert, C.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Self-Coherent Receiver for PolMUX Coherent Signals
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'11)/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2011, March , paper OWV5 Optical Society of America (OSA), Los Angeles (CA), USA (2011) [DOI] - Schmogrow, R.; Winter, M.; Nebendahl, B.; Hillerkuss, D.; Meyer, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
101.5 Gbit/s Real-Time OFDM Transmitter with 16QAM Modulated Subcarriers
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'11), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 06–10 , OWE5 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Lindenmann, N.; Kaiser, I.; Balthasar, G.; Bonk, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.
Photonic Waveguide Bonds - A Novel Concept for Chip-to-Chip Interconnects
Optical Fiber Communication Conference/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2011 , paper PDPC1 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Bonk, R.; Huber, G.; Vallaitis, T.; Schmogrow, R.; Hillerkuss, D.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Impact of alfa-factor on SOA Dynamic Range for 20 GBd BPSK, QPSK and 16-QAM Signals
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'11), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 06–10 , OML4 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Koenig, S.; Hoh, M.; Bonk, R.; Wang, H.; Pahl, K. P.; Zwick, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Rival Signals in SOA Reach-Extended WDM-TDM-GPON Converged with RoF
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'11), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 06–10 , OWT1 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Roeger, M.; Boes, F.; Kleff, A.; Hiba, B.; Baier, M.; Hoh, M.; Koenig, S.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
Energy-efficient MAC Protocol Enabling an Optically Powered Sensor Network
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'11), Los Angeles (CA), USA, March 06–10 , JWA088 Optical Society of America (2011) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Vallaitis, T.; Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Dumon, P.; Bogaerts, W.; Baets, R.; Biaggio, I.; Diederich, F.
All-Optical Signal Processing with Silicon-Organic Hybrid Slot Waveguides
OSA Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano- Photonics (IPR), Monterey (CA), USA, July 25–28 , IWC1 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schellinger, T.; Schmogrow, R.; Winter, M.; Vallaitis, T.; Bonk, R.; Marculescu, A.; Li, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Narkiss, N.; Nebendahl, B.; Parmigiani, F.; Petropoulos, P.; Resan, B.; Weingarten, K.; Ellermeyer, T.; Lutz, J.; Moller, M.
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in photonic communications
International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics (Photonics 2010) , paper 193375, Guwahati India, December (2010) more (invited) - Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Hillerkuss, D.; Vallaitis, T.; Li, J.; Bonk, R.; Palmer, R.; Schellinger, T.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Bogaerts, W.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.
Silicon high-speed electro-optic modulator
7th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), pp 195-197 , paper 5643383, Sept (2010) [DOI] - Alloatti, L.; Korn, D.; Hillerkuss, D.; Vallaitis, T.; Li, J.; Bonk, R.; Palmer, R.; Schellinger, T.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.; Fournier, M.; Fedeli, J.-M.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
40 Gbit/s silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) phase modulator
36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC'10), pp 1-3 , paper 5621210, Sept (2010) [DOI] - Koenig, S.; Pfeifle, J.; Bonk, R.; Vallaitis, T.; Meuer, C.; Bimberg, D.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Optical and electrical power dynamic range of semiconductor optical amplifiers in radio-over-fiber networks
36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC'10), pp 1-3 , paper 5621535, Sept (2010) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Winter, M.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Hillerkuss, D.; Schellinger, T.; Schmogrow, R.; Vallaitis, T.; Bonk, R.; Marculescu, A.; Li, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Narkiss, N.; Nebendahl, B.; Parmigiani, F.; Petropoulos, P.; Resan, B.; Oehler, A.; Weingarten, K.; Ellermeyer, T.; Lutz, J.; Moller, M.
All-Optical FTT Signal Processing of a 10.8 Tb/s Single Channel OFDM Signal
OSA Photonics in Switching (PS'10), Monterey (CA), USA, July 25–28 , PWC1 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Hillerkuss, D.; Winter, M.; Li, J.; Worms, K.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Narkiss, N.
Terabit/s FFT processing - optics can do it on-the-fly
12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'10), Munich, Germany, June 27–July 1 , Paper Mo.D1.4 (2010) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Alloatti, L.; Vallaitis, T.; Korn, D.; Palmer, R.; Koos, C.; Brosi, J.-M.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Scimeca, M. L.; Biaggio, I.; Breiten, B.; Diederich, F.; Barklund, A.; Dinu, R.; Wieland, J.
100 Gbit/s electro-optic modulator and 56 Gbit/s wavelength converter for DQPSK data in silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) technology
IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series , 96-97, Paper WB2.1, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Mexico, July (2010) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Roeger, M.; Hehmann, J.; Pfeiffer, T.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Leuthold, J.
Energy-Autarkic Monitor for FTTx Networks
OSA Optics & Photonics Congress, Advanced Photonics & Renewable Energy, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 21–24 , ATuC2 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] (invited) - Vallaitis, T.; Bonk, R.; Guetlein, J.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.; Koos, C.; Scimeca, M. L.; Biaggio, I.; Diederich, F.; Breiten, B.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.
All-Optical Wavelength Conversion of 56 Gbit/s NRZ- DQPSK Signals in Silicon-Organic Hybrid Strip Waveguides
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'10), San Diego (CA), USA, March 21–25 , OTuN1 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] - Melikyan, A.; Vallaitis, T.; Lindenmann, N.; Schimmel, T.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
A Surface Plasmon Polariton Absorption Modulator
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/IQEC'10), San Jose (CA), May 16–21 , paper JThE77 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] - Freude, W.; Vallaitis, T.; Koos, C.; Brosi, J.-M.; Alloatti, L.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Scimeca, M. L.; Biaggio, I.; Breiten, B.; Diederich, F.; Leuthold, J.
Ultrafast Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Photonics
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/IQEC'10), San Jose (CA), May , CThR1 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] (invited) - Bonk, R.; Vallaitis, T.; Guetlein, J.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Quantum Dot SOA Dynamic Range Improvement for Phase Modulated Signals
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'10), San Diego (CA), USA, March , paper OThK3 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2010) [DOI] - Hillerkuss, D.; Marculescu, A.; Li, J.; Teschke, M.; Sigurdsson, G.; Worms, K.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Narkiss, N.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Novel Optical Fast Fourier Transform Scheme Enabling Real-Time OFDM Processing at 392 Gbit/s and beyond
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'10), San Diego (CA), USA, March 21–25 , OWW3 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2010) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.
Linear and Nonlinear Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'10), San Diego (CA), USA, March 21–25 , OThI3 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2010) [DOI] (invited) - Hillerkuss, D.; Schellinger, T.; Schmogrow, R.; Winter, M.; Vallaitis, T.; Bonk, R.; Marculescu, A.; Li, J.; Dreschmann, M.; Meyer, J.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Narkiss, N.; Nebendahl, B.; Parmigiani, F.; Petropoulos, P.; Resan, B.; Weingarten, K.; Ellermeyer, T.; Lutz, J.; Moller, M.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Single Source Optical OFDM Transmitter and Optical FFT Receiver Demonstrated at Line Rates of 5.4 and 10.8 Tbit/s
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'10), San Diego (CA), USA, March 21–25 , Paper PDPC1 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Leuthold, J.
Silicon Organic Hybrid: A platform for future high-speed silicon photonics
APS March Meeting 2010, Vol. 55, Number 2; Abstract: A5.00002, March (2010) more (invited) - Roeger, M.; Hiba, B.; Hoh, M.; Hehmann, J.; Pfeiffer, T.; Hubner, M.; Becker, J.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
Optically Powered Low-Energy Demarcation Device for Monitoring FTTx Networks
Optical Fiber Communication Conference / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC'10), San Diego (CA), USA, March , paper NWC4 Optical Society of America (2010) [DOI] - Li, J.; Worms, K.; Hillerkuss, D.; Richter, B.; Maestle, R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Tunable Free Space Optical Delay Interferometer for Demodulation of Differential Phase Shift Keying Signals
Optical Fiber Communication Conference / National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC'10), San Diego (CA), USA, March , paper JWA24 Optical Society of America (OSA) (2010) [DOI] - Kapoor, A.; Sharma, E. K.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Saturation characteristics of InGaAsP-InP bulk SOA
SPIE 7597, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XVIII, San Francisco (CA), USA, January 23–28, paper 75971I (2010) [DOI] - Leuthold, J.; Bonk, R.; Vorreau, P.; Sygletos, S.; Hillerkuss, D.; Freude, W.; Zarris, G.; Simeonidou, D.; Kouloumentas, C.; Spyropoulou, M.; Tomkos, I.; Parmigiani, F.; Petropoulos, P.; Richardson, D. J.; Weerasuriya, R.; Ibrahim, S.; Ellis, A. D.; Morais, R.; Monteiro, P.; Ben-Ezra, S.; Tsadka, S.
All-optical grooming for 100 Gbit/s ethernet
SPIE 7621, Optical Metro Networks and Short-Haul Systems II, San Francisco (CA), USA, January 23–28, paper 762107 (2010) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Vallaitis, T.; Brosi, J.-M.; Alloatti, L.; Bogatscher, S.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Scimeca, M. L.; Biaggio, I.; Diederich, F.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) photonics for ultra-fast optical signal processing
The 22nd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society (LEOS 2009), Belek-Antalya (Turkey), October , paper WI 2 (2009) (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Vallaitis, T.; Brosi, J.-M.; Bogatscher, S.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Scimeca, M. L.; Biaggio, I.; Diederich, F.
Silicon organic hybrid - A platform for ultrafast optics
35th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'09), Vienna, Austria, September 20–24 , paper 5.2.4 (2009) more (invited) - Vallaitis, T.; Hillerkuss, D.; Li, J.; Bonk, R.; Lindenmann, N.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Scimeca, M. L.; Biaggio, I.; Diederich, F.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
All-optical wavelength conversion using cross-phase modulation at 42.7 Gbit/s in silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) waveguides
International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS'09), Pisa, Italy, September 15–19 , paper PDP3 (2009) [DOI] (postdeadline) - Biaggio, I.; Scimeca, M. L.; Esembeson, B.; Michinobu, T.; Diederich, F.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Vapor Deposited Small Molecules as an Organic Nonlinear Optical Cladding for Silicon on Insulator Technology
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/IQEC 2009), Baltimore (Maryland), USA, May 31–June 05 , CFQ3 Optical Society of America (2009) [DOI] - Lindenmann, N.; Vallaitis, T.; Bonk, R.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Amplitude and phase dynamics in silicon compatible waveguides with highest Kerr-nonlinearities
AMOP Spring Meeting, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG Quantum Optics and Photonics Section, Hamburg, March , paper Q 57.4 (2009) - Koos, C.; Brosi, J.-M.; Vorreau, P.; Vallaitis, T.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Esembeson, B.; Biaggio, I.; Michinobu, T.; Diederich, F.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) Devices for Optical Signal Processing
Optical Society of America Annual Meeting (OSA'08), Rochester (NY), USA, October 19–23 , FMG6 Optical Society of America (2008) [DOI] (invited) - Vallaitis, T.; Koos, C.; Esembeson, B.; Biaggio, I.; Michinobu, T.; Diederich, F.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Highly nonlinear silicon photonics slot waveguides without free carrier absorption related speed-limitations
34th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'08), Brussels, Belgium, Sept 21–25, pp 1-2 , paper 4729411 (2008) [DOI] - Brosi, J.-M.; Koos, C.; Andreani, L. C.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
100 Gbit/s / 1 V Optical Modulator with Slotted Slow-Light Polymer-Infiltrated Silicon Photonic Crystal
OSA Topical Meeting on Slow and Fast Light (SL'08), Boston (MA), USA, 13–16 July , SWC3 Optical Society of America (2008) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Brosi, J.-M.; Koos, C.; Vorreau, P.; Andreani, L. C.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Esembeson, B.; Biaggio, I.; Michinobu, T.; Diederich, F.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) devices for nonlinear optical signal processing
Transpare10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'08), Athens, Greece, June 22–26 2, 84-87, Paper Tu.C2.1 (2008) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Brosi, J.-M.; Koos, C.; Vorreau, P.; Andreani, L. C.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Esembeson, B.; Biaggio, I.; Michinobu, T.; Diederich, F.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon photonics meets nonlinear organic materials
European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), Proc. COST-MP0702 Workshop and WG Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, April , pp. 60-62, paper P2.3.1 (2008) more - Koos, C.; Vorreau, P.; Dumon, P.; Baets, R.; Esembeson, B.; Biaggio, I.; Michinobu, T.; Diederich, F.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Highly-Nonlinear Silicon Photonic Slot Waveguide
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC'08), San Diego (CA), USA, Febr. 24–28 , paper PDP25 Optical Society of America (2008) more - Vallaitis, T.; Koos, C.; Bolles, B. -A.; Bonk, R.; Freude, W.; Laemmlin, M.; Meuer, C.; Bimberg, D.; Leuthold, J.
Quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier at 1.3 μm for ultra-fast cross-gain modulation
33rd European Conference and Ehxibition of Optical Communication (ECOC'07), Berlin, Germany, September 16–20, pp 865-865(1) , paper 20070316 Institution of Engineering and Technology (2007) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Brosi, J.-M.; Waldow, M.; Freude, W.; Leuthold, J.
Silicon-on-Insulator Modulators for Next-Generation 100 Gbit/s-Ethernet
33rd European Conference and Ehxibition of Optical Communication (ECOC'07), Berlin, Germany, September 16–20, pp 1-2 , paper 20070446 (2007) [DOI] - Koos, C.; Jacome, L.; Poulton, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
Nonlinear High Index-Contrast Waveguides with Optimum Geometry
OSA Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Photonics (NP'07), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2–6 September , JWA2 Optical Society of America (2007) [DOI] - Freude, W.; Koos, C.; Poulton, C.; Fujii, M.; Leuthold, J.
Minimizing Roughness Loss for Ultra-Compactly Bent High Index-Contrast Waveguides
9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON '07) 2, 184-187, Paper We.C2.1, Rome, Italy, July (2007) [DOI] (invited) - Leuthold, J.; Wang, J.; Vallaitis, T.; Koos, C.; Bonk, R.; Marculescu, A.; Vorreau, P.; Sygletos, S.; Freude, W.
New Approaches to Perform All-Optical Signal Regeneration
9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON '07), Rome, Italy 2, 222-225, Paper We.D2.1, July (2007) [DOI] (invited) - Koos, C.; Vallaitis, T.; Bolles, B. -A.; Bonk, R.; Freude, W.; Laemmlin, M.; Meuer, C.; Bimberg, D.; Ellis, A.; Leuthold, J.
Gain and phase dynamics in an InAs/GaAs quantum dot amplifier at 1300 nm
CLEO/Europe and IQEC 2007 Conference Digest , paper CI3_1 Optical Society of America, Munich, Germany, June 17 (2007) more - Koos, C.; Poulton, C.; Jacome, L.; Zimmermann, L.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
Ideal Trajectory for Ultracompact Low-Loss Waveguide Bends
32th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC'06), Cannes, France, September 24–28 , paper Tu1.4.6, Cannes, France, Sept (2006) [DOI] - Fujii, M.; Koos, C.; Poulton, C.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
Nonlinear FDTD Analysis and Experiment of FWM in InGaAsP-InP Optical Microresonator
International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD '06), pp 107-108 , paper 306764, Sept (2006) [DOI] - Freude, W.; Maitra, A.; Wang, J.; Koos, C.; Poulton, C.; Fujii, M.; Leuthold, J.
All-Optical Signal Processing WITH Nonlinear Resonant Devices
8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'06), Nottingham, UK, June 18 – 22 2, 215-219, Paper We.D2.1, Nottingham, UK, June (2006) [DOI] (invited) - Freude, W.; Poulton, C.; Koos, C.; Brosi, J.-M.; Fujii, M.; Mueller, M.; Leuthold, J.; Pfrang, A.; Schimmel, T.
Nano-optical waveguide devices with random deformations and nonlinearities
3rd Intern. Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT'05), Symposium F: Nano-Optics and Microsystems, Singapore, July 3–8 , F-2-IN3 (2005) (invited) - Poulton, C.; Koos, C.; Muller, M.; Glockler, F.; Wang, J.; Fujii, M.; Leuthold, J.; Freude, W.
Sidewall roughness and deformations in high index-contrast waveguides and photonic crystals
Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS'04), 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE, November 2, 949-950 Vol.2, paper ThY4, Puerto Rico, USA (2004) [DOI] - Freude, W.; Brosi, J.-M.; Glockler, F.; Koos, C.; Poulton, C.; Wang, J.; Fujii, M.
High-index optical waveguiding structures
Frontiers in Optics 2004/Laser Science XXII/Diffractive Optics and Micro-Optics/Optical Fabrication and Testing, Rochester, New York, USA, 12 October , paper FTuS1 Optical Society of America, Rochester (NY), USA (2004) [DOI] (invited) - Poulton, C.; Koos, C.; Freude, W.; Fujii, M.
Attenuation of optical strip waveguides with rough sidewalls
29th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics (IRMMW/THz'04), Karlsruhe, Germany, 27 September – 01 October, pp 141-142 , paper 1421993, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept (2004) [DOI] - Freude, W.; Poulton, C.; Koos, C.; Brosi, J.-M.; Glockler, F.; Wang, J.; Chakam, G.-A.; Fujii, M.
Design and fabrication of nanophotonic devices
6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'04), Wroclaw, Poland, July 4–8 1, 4-9 vol.1, paper Mo.A.4, Wroclaw, Poland, July (2004) [DOI] (invited) - Peng, H.; Lihachev, G.; Chen, Y.; Robles Lopez, I.; Tian, H.; Voloshin, A.; Riemensberger, J.; Maier, P.; Skacel, S.; Lauermann, M.; Attanasio, A.; Randel, S.; Freude, W.; Bhave, S.; Kippenberg, T. J.; Koos, C.
Low-Phase-Noise Frequency-Agile Hybrid Integrated Lasers Offering Highly Linear Tuning for FMCW LiDAR